Westmoreland Marcellus Citizens’ Group Updates February 21, 2013
To receive our news updates, please email jan at janjackmil@yahoo.com
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* For articles and updates or to just vent, visit us on facebook;
* To view permanent documents, past updates, reports, general information and meeting information http://westmorelandmarcellus.blogspot.com/
* To contact your state legislator:
For email address, click on the envelope under the photo
* For information on the state gas legislation and local control: http://pajustpowers.org/aboutthebills.html-
TAKE ACTION!! -From Clean Water Action
Mystery, questions and concerns continue to surround Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) policies for testing water that has been suspected of being impacted by Marcellus Shale natural gas operations. These issues were originally brought to light when it was revealed that DEP doesn’t report full test results to residents, depriving them of critical health and safety information. People have a right to know ALL the results whether good or bad. Let the state know that you want them to release all water testing results from gas drilling investigations!
When we found out about DEP’s policies, Clean Water Action and a coalition of environmental groups sent a letter to Governor Tom Corbett and Secretary Michael Krancer criticizing the DEP’s policies as lacking transparency and inadequate to protect residents and drinking water. We called for immediate reforms to DEP’s procedures and demanded immediate disclosure of all data collected through DEP water tests. We were optimistic that we might finally get answers when Secretary Krancer suggested scheduling a meeting to discuss these issues. DEP however left us still in the dark and extremely disappointed when they abruptly cancelled the meeting.
DEP must provide Pennsylvanian’s with answers. DEP is entrusted to oversee and regulate the oil and gas industry in a manner that protects public health and the environment; water quality testing and enforcement are clearly a key part of this mission. We continue to ask DEP to reschedule the meeting and if nothing else, address the many questions surrounding their procedures (click here to see our most recent letter and list of questions). Help us apply pressure to DEP by emailing Governor Corbett and Secretary Krancer TODAY!
Tell them they need to reschedule their meeting with us and provide answers to the questions and concerns surrounding their water testing policies.
For Clean Water,
Steve Hvozdovich, Marcellus Campaign Coordinator
***Penn State Conducting Online Survey About Pennsylvania's Water Resources
“This is your chance to be heard on the value and importance of water resources in Pennsylvania!
Researchers from Penn State along with several other agencies are conducting an online survey of Pennsylvania residents about the state's water resources. The object is to collect opinions from a large number of Pennsylvania residents on the current status of our water and how to prioritize funding and other resources to best protect and manage our water resources. This informal survey is intended as a public engagement project and does not necessarily represent a statistical sampling of opinions.”
The survey will remain open until February 28, 2013 and a summary of results will be published on the Pennsylvania Water Resources Research Center website in Spring 2013 at: http://www.pawatercenter.psu.edu/.
This survey is funded by the Pennsylvania Water Resources Research Center and Sea Grant Pennsylvania in partnership with Penn State Extension and the Pennsylvania American Water Resources Association.
Calendar of Events
*** Fracking and Your Health, Public Health Perspectives Public Meeting
* What common health problems do residents experience?
* What are the sources of exposure?
* How can you reduce your exposure?
* What public health studies are being done?
Nadia Steinzor - Earthworks
Raina Rippel- Southwest PA Environmental Health Project
Linda Headley –member of a SW PA affected family
Dr. Ralph Miranda- Greensburg Physician, Speaker/Moderator
Where: Fred Rogers Center, Saint Vincent College, Latrobe PA
When: Tuesday, March 19, 7:00-9:00 pm
Free admission
Publicity-How you can help
***Thank you to many of you who have offered to post flyers for our March 19 health forum at St Vincent. Here are three things you can do to help out:
- Copy the flyer I attached and post a few
- Post the meeting on your face book site about 1-2 weeks before the meeting
- Send out the notice to people on your email list and ask them to pass it on.
That action is incredibly helpful in getting the word out to people who are not on our list. Jan
***County Commissioners Meeting- 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at the county courthouse at 10:00
For a full calendar of area events please see “Marcellus Protest” calendar:
*** From Public Hearing—Judy Stiles and others
DEP refused to attend.
***Marcellus Air Pollution Research…
This is a new publication in Environmental Research Letters, “Estimation of regional air-quality damages from Marcellus Shale natural gas extraction in Pennsylvania,” by RAND authors A. Litovitz, A. Curtright, S. Abramzon, N. Burger, and C. Samaras. The full publication and video abstract are available, with open access, at: http://iopscience.iop.org/1748-9326/8/1/014017
Highlights: This paper provides an estimate of the conventional air pollutant emissions associated with the extraction of unconventional shale gas in Pennsylvania, as well as the monetary value of the associated regional environmental and health damages.
*** Health Report, By David Brown, SW PA Environmental Health Project; Ron Bishop, SUNY; and others
Frack News
“Robinson supervisors voted 3-0 to deny two requests by Range Resources to drill Robinson Township.
Chairman Brian Coppola said Range Resources failed to provide sufficient information and documentation to comply with township law.
In late January, Range Resources-Appalachia-LLC of Cecil filed lawsuits against Robinson in Washington County Common Pleas Court and in Commonwealth Court. The firm claims it is entitled to approval of its plans, said Jonathan Kamin, special legal counsel for the township.
Range Resources has proposed drilling multiple natural gas wells on 168 acres owned by Micheale F. Parees and Robert M. Frame on Midway-Candor Road and on 84 acres owned by Rodger C. and Susan C. Kendall on Valleyview Road.
About 80 people attended the township meeting Monday, including drilling leaseholders who criticized the board for delaying approvals.
Dorothy Bassett defended the supervisors, saying they were acting responsibly and protecting the rights and well-being of residents. "This board is trying to do the best they can for everybody," she said.
Steve Duran said the community needs the jobs and economic activity spurred by drilling. "This is an industry that can help us all," he said.
Mr. Coppola said the board denied the conditional-use applications because Range Resources didn't submit an appropriate site plan, neglected to provide specific answers to the board's questions and failed to demonstrate compliance with the township's noise standards and zoning ordinance.
Mr. Kamin said if an application does not meet all the conditions of the ordinance, the board cannot approve it. "It has nothing to do if you think drilling is good, bad, or you're indifferent to it," he said.”
Post-Gazette on Friday, 15 ,2013
2. DEP Chided at Hearing on Drilling in Washington County
Anger and frustration and jugs of orange-brown tap water were on display at a state House committee hearing in Washington County on Tuesday, where rural property owners and environmental advocates said the state Department of Environmental Protection is failing to enforce Marcellus Shale gas regulations and seriously damaging the environment and their health. Christopher Lauff of Mount Pleasant, Washington County, and others testifying before the House Democratic Policy Committee said the DEP has used incomplete and misleading air and water test results, protected the gas drilling industry and exposed them to a sickening array of chemicals from nearby drilling sites.
Mr. Lauff, an analytical chemist and biologist, testified that DEP told him his water was OK to drink, and air pollution complaints went unaddressed. But testing by the U.S. EPA found several water contaminants linked to nearby well drilling, and independent air tests found a variety of volatile organic compounds and carcinogens, including benzene, toluene and ethylbenzene. "The DEP should not be the gas industry's friend and protector," said Mr. Lauff, who, along with his family, has tested positive for several of the chemical compounds. "DEP needs to be accountable for its actions and inactions." The department did issue a written statement during the hearing that said: "DEP's attention is focused on our core mission of protecting the environment, not wasting time on political theater.”
Full story:
Story in the O-R:
State Rep. Jesse White, D- Allegheny/Beaver/Washington, requested the hearing and serves as its co-chairman. White recently introduced H.B. 268 that would require DEP to disclose the full testing results, including raw data and documentation, of any environmental tests conducted by the department on a landowner’s or leaseholder’s property in Pennsylvania.
HDPC Hearing on Pa DEP’s accountability standards
Part 1 - http://youtu.be/m7QB_I01Sls
Part 2 - http://youtu.be/RPEYKIhxnQw
Part 3 - http://youtu.be/ZPiw3KAN8jI
Part 4 - http://youtu.be/3Dj06NR6KGs
Part 5 - http://youtu.be/EPnfh_M0Jpk
PCN-TV Schedule
3. Air Study Shows Regional Pollution Damages Are Significant from Shale Operations
Study: “Estimation of regional Air Quality Damages from Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Extraction in Pennsylvania by Aviva Litovitz, Aimee Curtright, Shmuel Abramzon, Nicholas Burger and Constantine Samaras
RAND Corporation, Published January 2013
“Damage costs were based on effects on physical health and environmental damages, including mortality, morbidity, crop and timber loss, visibility and effects on anthropogenic structures and natural ecosystems. The total cost of region- wide damage ranged from $7.2 million to $32 million dollars for 2011.
Emissions state- wide were only a few percent of total polluting emissions but in counties where activities are concentrated, NOx emissions from all shale gas activities were 20-40 times higher than allowable for a single minor source despite the fact that single gas facilities usually fall below the major source threshold for NOx.
*The authors did not consider damages from flaring as it is to be phased out by 2015. (A New York study estimates that flaring increases NOx and VOCs by 120%. PM 2.5 emissions increase by 250%)
*Compressor stations represent 60-75% of all extraction-associated damages. *VOCs, NOx, and PM 2.5 combined were responsible for 94% of total damages.
*10 PA counties constituted nearly 90% of wells in the state.
*Washington County had the highest damages, estimated at $1.2-8.3 million. * Damage in Washington County represents about 20% of damage statewide
*66 to 80% of damages are attributable to long-term activities
County Damages- 2011
Westmoreland County Damages—low of $319,802 to high of $1,826,057
Washington County- low of $1,296,604 to high of $8,306 ,931
Fayette Coutny-$226,871 to high of $804, 966
Butler-- low of $127, 217 to high of $533, 192
Allegheny- low of – $22, 071 high of $133,172
For the data charts and information on counties:
4. EPA Ignored Engineer in Range Contamination Case
Mike Soraghan, E&E reporter
EnergyWire: Wednesday, February 20, 2013
“A former Texas state oil and gas regulator outlined in 2011 how two Range Resources Corp. wells outside Fort Worth could have leaked natural gas into the water supply of nearby homes.
Thomas "Buddy" Richter, hired by attorneys for one of the homeowners, said that state inspectors had found a leak and that Range failed to seal its well bore with cement deeply enough to protect the neighbors' underground water supplies. Richter, a petroleum engineer, said other companies drilling shale in the area sealed their wells significantly deeper.
The Texas Railroad Commission, where Richter once worked, ruled that Range was not at fault. But Richter said the elected commissioners appeared to have fast-tracked the Range case to take a swipe at U.S. EPA.
"I can recognize when there's political. And yes, there was political," Richter said in a deposition. "I think they were trying to make a statement: 'EPA go home.'"
EPA had accused Range in December 2010 of contaminating the water wells in a case widely seen as symbolic of the agency's advance and subsequent retreat on regulating the nation's shale boom.
`Not widely reported, Richter's affidavit and deposition, both done in November 2011, make the most coherent case for EPA's accusations.
EPA and Justice Department officials dropped their case against Range in March 2012, without a full explanation and disregarding Richter’s report
Documents obtained by EnergyWire under a Freedom of Information Act request show EPA and Justice Department officials distributing it among themselves in the weeks before the case was dismissed, along with a deposition from Richter's boss reaching the same conclusions.
"I don't think you can reach any other conclusion, logically, than that [Range's] Teal and the Butler wells are a cause or a contributing factor to the ongoing natural gas problems in the Lipsky water well," said Wayman Gore, president of Austin-based PGH Engineers.
Range drilled its Butler and Teal wells in 2009, about 2,300 feet from the water well of Steve Lipsky and his family in the Silverado subdivision near Weatherford, Texas, in Parker County. A little more than a year later, Lipsky called state officials to complain about gas bubbling into his water supply.
Two oil and gas inspectors from the Railroad Commission paid a visit, and Lipsky said the inspectors found something they didn't expect.
It was a small leak, signified by what is known in the drilling business as "bradenhead pressure."
"I don't know what it is, but they told me it would be bad if it was there. But it couldn't be there," Lipsky said later in a deposition. "And then they found it, and said it wasn't that bad."
Pressure on the bradenhead of a well is an indication that gas is seeping into the space behind the production casing from the uncemented portion below.
In December 2010, EPA issued an emergency order accusing Range of contaminating the water well of Lipsky and another homeowner with natural gas. The order, signed by then-Regional Administrator Al Armendariz, also accused the Railroad Commission of failing to protect the homeowners.
Commissioners angrily rejected the charges and quickly called a January hearing for Range to present its case.
Range denied the accusations and mounted a vehement defense. The company says the gas could have gotten into the aquifer when increased water in Lipsky's subdivision drew down water levels.
Commissioners ruled in March 2011 that Range was blameless.
EPA withdrew the case in late March 2012 with little explanation. Range officials stress that they did not settle the case -- EPA withdrew it.
Internal EPA emails obtained by EnergyWire show that EPA officials were keen to gain Range's cooperation in a national study of hydraulic fracturing. EPA and the company are now negotiating the terms of that cooperation (EnergyWire, Feb. 14). EPA officials were also concerned about agency employees getting dragged into Lipsky's court fight with Range.
A Texas judge dismissed Lipsky's case against Range, saying the Railroad Commission's ruling is final. Lipsky is weighing an appeal. Range's $4.2 million counter-claim alleging Lipsky conspired to defame the company is ongoing.
Essentially, Richter said, Range's well poked a hole through the bottom of the aquifer. Without cement to block it, gas could then rise into the local drinking water supply.
Records show Range encased its two wells down 394 feet and 409 feet, while Devon cemented its nearby wells to 1,005 feet or more.
For the entire article:
5. Explosion of Frack Wastewater Kills EQT Worker In West Virginia
“State regulators say a worker was killed this morning in an explosion at an EQT natural gas well pad near in rural Taylor County, W VA. The worker was attempting to transfer briny wastewater from a tank into a truck, she said. What sparked the explosion is unclear and will be the focus of the state's investigation, already under way.
The gas then flows up from the well for collection, as does the brine. The DEP says some of the chemicals in the brine could be flammable.
Mary K. Singleton, who lives about a mile away, said her house shook at 6:45 a.m.
"I heard an explosion but I didn't know what it was. You never know around here," she told The Associated Press.
"I got up and made sure the house was all right, but couldn't see anything. I didn't know what's going on," she said. "I asked my husband, 'you suppose it was a meteor?'"
Corky DeMarco, executive director of the West Virginia Oil and Natural Gas Association, said EQT is calling the fatality an "industrial accident," not an explosion, and he's never heard of brine exploding.
"To the best of my knowledge, brine is not flammable," he said. Accidents involving brine are typically spills, he said, "so that, I don't understand."
Brine is 99.5 percent water and sand, and drillers typically do not add potentially flammable chemicals, Mr. DeMarco said. What flows back up from a well is mostly salty water, and any chemicals are diluted.
"Contrary to what some people like to say," he said, "we don't use diesel fuel or any of those kinds of additives that would be flammable."
But David McMahon of the West Virginia Surface Owners' Rights Organization said the fracking fluid often contains volatile organic compounds, "so brine tanks can have vapors of these that are surely explosive."
6. Bruce Babbitt Urges Protection of Public Lands from Leasing
“Former Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt is urging President Obama to protect public lands. Babbitt said: For every acre of public land leased to oil and gas industry, one acre should be permanently protected for future generations. Over the past 4 years more than 6 million acres have been leased for oil and gas industry compared with 2.6 permanently protected. The last Congress was the first since the 1960s to not protect a single acre of wilderness.”
(Latrobe bulletin, 2-6-13, Babbitt urges greater protection of public lands, AP)
7. 840 Gallons of Frack Fluid Leaks-Butler Township
“DEP has reported that approximately 840 gallons of fracking fluid leaked onto the ground at the McElhinney well in Forward Township in Butler County on Feb. 4th, 2013. The McElhinney Farm is well known throughout Western Pennsylvania as the grower of the famous “Evans City Corn.” The landowner on 02/15/13 revealed that he was not notified of the spill.
According to a local resident, waste water trucks have been emptying a frack pond on the McElhinney property. The 106,000 sq. ft. frack pond sits less than 175 ft. from a tributary to Connoquenessing Creek.
This is not the first time Re Gas has been issued a violation in Butler County. On Jan. 23, 2013 they were cited for failure to plug a well upon abandonment (210UNPLUG) at the Drushel Pad in Jackson Twp.
According to Business Week, Re Gas operates as a subsidiary of Rex Energy Corporation. Rex Energy has been at the center of the controversy involving contaminated drinking water in the Woodlands area of Connoquenesing Twp.”
Details on the violation can be found here: http://alerts.skytruth.org/report/88170984-d56a-32fe-a252-73b34559bb83#c=stae
8. Governor Hickenlooper Did Not Drink Real Frack Fluid
“ Governor Hickenlooper caused a minor stir nationally when he admitted to taking a swig of fracking fluid during a meeting with the U.S. Senate energy committee. The Denver Post identified the particular fluid in question on Thursday via Hickenlooper spokesman Eric Brown. ‘CleanStim’ was the fluid quaffed by the Governor, it’s manufactured by Halliburton. Curious as to the contents?
- Enzyme
- Exthoxylated Sugar-Based Fatty Acid Ester
- Inorganic Acid
- Inorganic Salt
- Maltodextrin
- Organic Acid
- Organic Ester
- Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil
- Polysaccharide Polymer
- Sulfonated Alcohol
In a blog post at The Hill, Kristin Stephen of Fort Collins was critical of the Governor over CleanStim. Her contention is that the formula the Governor tried wasn’t a typical fracking fluid, something the Governor has also acknowledged. Chemicals commonly used according to the FracFocus website include hydrochloric acid, methanol, sodium chloride, and others. A look at another Halliburton fluid formulation used in the Denver-Julesburg basin lists constituents such as the aforementioned three, plus crystalline silica among others.”
9. The Life Of A Well- 60% Drop- Off In 3 Years –from Bob Donnan
“Just the other night the local CBS affiliate hosted a report on a local farmer who was all set to reap the bounty from his newly drilled and fracked Marcellus Shale wells. It was obvious the television reporter drank the industry Kool-Aid when he showed a chart with gas production (and royalty checks) spanning 30 years.
What kind of crystal ball did he use? The oldest Marcellus well isn’t even 10 years old yet!
It was a presentation by Deborah Rogers at the Earthworks summit a couple years ago that gave me the idea for a major project: Use Pa DEP gas well production data to track actual production of nearly 200 Marcellus Shale wells in our (Washington) county, where the first Marcellus well was drilled.
Good thing I like numbers, because my semi-annual analysis takes 2 work days to complete! My latest overall conclusions (and educated guesses) are these:
The average Marcellus well drops-off 60% in production during the first 3 years.
Drop-offs slow beyond the first years, but continue at 8% per year.
Therefore, if a well loses 60% the first 3 years, and 8% every year beyond that, its productive life will be over in 8 years. This would closely resemble the conclusion Deborah presented on Barnett Shale wells with 7.5 years.
Indeed, the much ballyhooed first-Marcellus RENZ well drilled by the “Mothers of the Marcellus” (Range) in 2004 is down to a trickle, only showing 60 days of production out of the last 180 day production period.”
You can find the individual data for all 184 wells charted here:
10. DEP Opens Investigation of Methane in Dimock Water Well
The DEP began the investigation last week after it received a complaint of turbid water in a private well and later found "high levels" of methane dissolved in the water and airborne gas accumulating in the well, spokeswoman Colleen Connolly said.
Tests at four other water wells did not show elevated levels of the gas.The home is near the Costello and Gesford well sites operated by Cabot Oil & Gas Corp. that the state is evaluating as part of its investigation, she said. It is also in a 9-square-mile area where the DEP has barred Cabot from drilling new wells until methane the state first linked to the company's operations in 2009 subsides in 18 water supplies.
The water well now being investigated was not part of the earlier incident, Ms. Connolly said.
Cabot spokesman George Stark said crews discovered that a line that vents shallow methane from the Costello well was frozen during a recent period of cold weather. Since the plug was cleared, levels of gas in the water well have decreased.
"It appears to be a small and localized event," he said and added that Cabot will now monitor all its vent lines during extreme weather events.
The company is providing the home with bottled water.
The Gesford wells being evaluated were fracked, in November after the state lifted some of its restrictions on Cabot's operations in the area.
Past problems have been tied to faulty construction of gas wells.”
Contact the writer: llegere@timesshamrock.com BY LAURA LEGERE (STAFF WRITER)
Published: February 13, 2013
11. $1 Million Grant for PA Gas Drilling Health Study
Geisinger Health Systems of Danville, Guthrie Health of Sayre and Susquehanna Health will collaborate on planning and execution of the study, including developing a health surveillance network aimed at assessing and reporting on the patient data gathered from electronic health records. “The goal is to create a cross-disciplinary, integrated and sharable repository of data on environmental exposures, health outcomes and community impacts of Marcellus shale drilling – the first systematic longitudinal study to do so,” the announcement said. “Some of the potential health effects that are likely to be investigated first include asthma, trauma and cardiovascular disease.” Preliminary results could be available within the next year, while other findings are expected in five years and over the next two decades.”
Just this month, EnergyWire uncovered emails revealing Former Pa. Gov. Rendell acted as spokesman for Range Resources to pressure the EPA into stopping the investigation into Range's responsibility for water contamination in Whitehead, Texas. Officials backing the industry over the public’s objection is not just a concern at the federal level. Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) pulled out of a meeting it had set up with 12 state and local groups to discuss the use of suite codes in testing for contaminates in water near drilling sites. They citied an unrelated group’s “intemperate message” on facebook as the reason. Could this really be reason enough for a public agency avoiding meetings with the public? The DEP is also refusing to take part in a policy committee hearing organized on the same topic calling the hearing “political theater.”
…And this is all happening at time when it is clearer than ever that the industry cannot be trusted. Last week it was revealed that Ben Lupo, owner of D&L Energy ordered his employees to intentionally dump wastewater into a storm drain on at least six different occasions since September, totaling what is likely more than 250,000 gallons of drilling wastewater and oil into a Mahoning River tributary. Vindy.com reported that Lupo has been illegally dumping to waterways since the 1970's. “
13. Back Room Deals From the Frontlines
New York
0 horizontal Marcellus wells drilled (*there have been a few vertical test wells drilled)
$1.5 million spent to study health and environmental impacts
6258+/- horizontal Marcellus wells drilled
$0 spent to study health and environmental impacts
More Than $23 Million to Influence PA Elected Officials - "the best government money can buy?" - actually, it's the worst and the least representative, and responsive.
14. Range Accused of Bully Tactics
When a Texas landowner took his fear that a gas driller had poisoned his well to federal regulators, the company, Range Resources Corp., turned around and sued him for conspiring “to harm Range.”
Critics say the Fort Worth-based company, which pioneered the use of hydraulic fracturing in Pennsylvania’s Marcellus shale, has taken a hard line with residents, local officials and activists. In one case it threatened a former EPA official with legal action; in another it stopped participating in town hearings to review its own applications to drill, because local officials were asking too many questions and taking too long.
“Range Resources is different from its peers in that it chooses to severely punish its critics,” said Calvin Tillman, the former mayor of Dish, Texas, and an activist who has been subpoenaed and issued legal warnings by Range. “Most companies avoid the perception of the big-bad-bully oil company, while Range Resources embraces it.”
15. Shale Permits Not Included on Trigger List for Poor/ Minority Communities
“The “trigger list” triggers intervention by the DEPs Office of Environmental Advocate to inform residents of poor and minority communities about potential health and environmental impacts from proposed industrial developments .Gas facilities are not included on the trigger list that would provide enhanced notification, information, and public participation opportunities. Of 228 shale permits granted from 2007 to 2011, 160 were granted in areas identified as environmental justice communities.
In 1996, charges were that the DEP violated federal civil rights law by approving permits for 5 waste water disposal and incinerator facilities and was considering a permit for a sixth in Chester, a largely African American community near Philadelphia. The case was moot after DEP denied the permit. The justice program targets industrial operations like coal mines and coal refuse, disposal sites and prep plants, landfills, industrial wastewater facilities, commercial waste incinerators and concentrated animal feed lots.”
(post gazette, con hopey, shale permits not on trigger list for review, 2-10-13)
Westmoreland Marcellus Citizens’ Group—Mission Statement
- To raise the public’s general awareness and understanding of the impacts of Marcellus drilling on the natural environment, health, and long-term economies of local communities.
Officers: President-Jan Milburn
Treasurer-Wanda Guthrie
Secretary-Ron Nordstrom
Facebook Coordinator-Elizabeth Nordstrom
Blogsite –April Jackman
Science Subcommittee-Dr. Cynthia Walter
To remove your name from our list please put “remove name from list’ in the subject line