Westmoreland Marcellus Citizens’ Group Updates
November 21, 2013
To view photos, please sign up for newsletter at: westmcg@gmail.com
* For articles and updates or to just vent, visit us on facebook;
* To view permanent documents, past updates,
reports, general information and meeting information
* Our email address: westmcg@gmail.com
To discuss candidates: http://www.facebook.com/groups/VoteProEarth/
* To contact your state
For the email address, click on the envelope
under the photo
For information on PA state gas legislation
and local control: http://pajustpowers.org/aboutthebills.html-
Thank You
* Thank you to contributors to our Updates: Debbie Borowiec, Lou
Pochet, Ron Gulla, Marian Szmyd, Bob Donnan, Gloria Forouzan, Elizabeth Donahue,
and Bob Schmetzer.
*Thank you to
community organizer Kathryn Hilton and the Mt. Watershed for their support and
Donations- Our
Sincere Thanks For Your Support!
and Joe Guthrie
Lou and Dorothy Pochet for donating to group
printing costs.
and Judy Evans for printing costs of fracking tri-folds.
and Jack Milburn for donating to group printing costs.
Ellenberger for donating to group printing costs.
WMCG Steering Committee Meeting We meet the second Tuesday of every month at
7:30 PM in Greensburg. Email Jan for directions. All are very
welcome to attend. .
*** Shale Drilling
and Public Health: A Day of Discovery Sat., Nov. 23, Heinz History Center
By League of Women
Voters of Pennsylvania’s Shale and Public Health Committee Saturday
November 23, 2013, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Heinz History Center, Fifth Floor Mueller
Education Center, 1212 Smallman Street,
Pittsburgh, PA This event is free and open to the public
Speakers include Michelle
Bamberger, Robert Oswald and Dr Ingraffea, Dr Brown (SWPA), Lenore Resick (PHD
Duquesne Nursing)
*** Facing the
Challenges Nov. 25, 26
University Researchers present on: Air and water, Animal and Human
Health, Geological, Biological investigations.
For a calendar of area events please see “Marcellus Protest”
We are very appreciative
of donations to our group.
With your help, we have handed out thousands of flyers
on the health and environmental effects of fracking, sponsored numerous public
meetings, and provided information to citizens and officials countywide. If you
would like to support our efforts:
Checks to
our group should be made out to the Thomas
Merton Center/Westmoreland Marcellus Citizens’ Group. And in the Reminder line
please write- Westmoreland Marcellus Citizens’ Group. The reason for this
is that we are one project of 12 at Thomas Merton. You can send your check to:
Westmoreland Marcellus Citizens’ Group, PO Box 1040, Latrobe, PA, 15650. Or you can give the check
or cash to Lou Pochet or Jan Milburn.
To make a contribution to our
group using a credit card, go
to www.thomasmertoncenter.org. Look for the contribute
button, then scroll down the list of organizations to direct money to. We are
listed as the Westmoreland Marcellus Citizens’ Group.
be sure to write Westmoreland Marcellus
Citizens’ Group on the bottom of your check so that WMCG receives the
funding, since we are just one project of many of the Thomas Merton Center. You
can also give your donation to any member of the steering committee.
Volunteers Needed!!
Flyercise-This is a good way to
work to protect your family from fracking and get exercise.

***Volunteers Needed
to Map Frack Pits- Skytruth
You Can Support a Public
Health Study By John Hopkins At Home At Your Computer
Volunteers Needed: Crowd sourcing Project to Map Fracking in
Pennsylvania for a Public
Health Study and National Mapping Initiative
(You are given a window to examine by Skytruth. . Your job
is to Click on all the frack pits you see in that square and the data will be
processed by Skytruth. jan)
More information to follow in next weeks UPdates
Who: SkyTruth
What: FrackFinder PA - Project Moor Frog is crowd sourcing
(using the public to help do the work) project that needs cyber-volunteers to
find fracking ponds on aerial photographs.
Where: Online at frack.skytruth.org/frackfinder
Why: Data produced by
the crowd will be complied into series of maps identifying the location of
fracking ponds in Pennsylvania, and support a public health study with partners
at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.
SkyTruth will be launching the second phase of
a crowd sourcing project to map the impact of unconventional drilling and
hydraulic fracturing using aerial imagery. We need your help to engage even
more volunteers so that, state by state, we can build a nationwide, multi-year
map of fracking.
is a web-based tool that presents cyber-volunteers, or skytruthers, with aerial
photos of permitted or active drilling sites, and asks users to perform a
simple image analysis task. In this phase of the project, we are asking volunteers to find all the fracking ponds at Marcellus
Shale drilling sites in PA. Learn more about our first FrackFinder project
We are doing this work to support
a public health study with our partners at the Bloomberg School of Public
Health at Johns Hopkins. Additionally, we have arranged to have a reporter from
Wired magazine (a tech magazine with an audience of 3 million) cover the launch
of the effort, which we are calling FrackFinder PA – Project Moor Frog.
We are asking for your help to
promote this sky truthing project as we get nearer to the launch. Please feel
free to contact me if you would like to learn more and to coordinate efforts to
engage the public in this effort to produce a nationwide, multi-year map of the
impacts of fracking.
Manthos: Outreach & Communications Director
304-885-4581 | Cell: 240-385-6423 |
Take Action!!
***As always letters to the editor are
important and one of the best ways to share information with the public. Pick
any frack topic and get it in the public eye.***
The following petitions are active.
***Thank Attorney General Kathleen Kane For Protecting Pennsylvanians
Penn Environment
once, I think the gas drilling industry is a little scared.
Why? Because
Attorney General Kathleen Kane is taking concrete steps to rein in a fracking
company for their egregious illegal pollution.
In response, the drillers launched an all-out attack on the
Attorney General in efforts to send a message to other elected officials who
are willing to hold polluters accountable that they will be targeted.
But we aren’t afraid. We’re proud. And elected officials who
stand up and do the right thing for our environment should be too. They should
know that there are so many Pennsylvanians out there cheering them on.
Will you tell the Attorney General that you support her
efforts to stand up to the frackers?
this fall, the Attorney General filed
criminal charges against XTO Energy for releasing illegal fracking wastewater
in northern Pennsylvania--more than 50,000 gallons laced with toxic
chemicals. The pollution flowed over a
local farmland and into a nearby pristine stream that feeds the Susquehanna
River. A grand jury announced that
evidence made it appear that similar discharges had previously—and most likely
illegally--been made at the site.
XTO has responded by using the same tactics
that the fracking companies have used to try and stifle all their
critics—whether concerned citizens, academics or whistle blowers. This includes
running ads criticizing the Attorney General’s actions in local newspapers, and
launching an all-out PR campaign against the Attorney General’s office.
With so few advocates at the state and federal level who are
willing to stand up against the frackers, we need to defend those who are
standing up for every day Pennsylvanians like you and me.
Join me
in telling the Attorney General that you support her efforts and will have her
back, or that of any other elected official who’s willing to put our
environment first. I hope you’ll help
me encourage our Attorney General Kathleen Kane to continue to stand strong in
the face of this barrage.
David Masur, PennEnvironment
Research & Policy Center Director”
***Floating Toxic
Frack Wastewater Down Our Rivers?
From Earthworks
barge passing Heinz Field in Pittsburgh, PA, on the Ohio River. Photo: Brian
creates millions of gallons of wastewater that's laden with toxic and sometimes
radioactive chemicals.
Now, the
Coast Guard is considering allowing fracking waste to be shipped on barges down
the Ohio River.
A special oil &
gas industry loophole in national environmental law exempts its waste. The
result? Fracking's hazardous waste is magically called nonhazardous, even though it can contain heavy metals or
So if
fracking waste is sent down our rivers it won't be governed by the same
safeguards as other toxics. It will be treated as nonhazardous.
spills are almost inevitable -- two 2013 barge accidents have already caused
serious oil spills. And when spills occur, they will contaminate the drinking
water of the 3 million people who get their water from the Ohio River.”
TAKE ACTION: Tell the Coast
Guard to keep fracking waste off our rivers!
***And from Delaware Riverkeeprs
Letter to Coast Guard –Don’t ship
frack Waste on Barges
“Here is
a link to our webpage where you can file a letter to the Coast Guard on their
proposal to allow frack wastewater to be shipped by barge in bulk on the
Nation’s rivers: http://www.delawareriverkeeper.org/act-now/urgent-details.aspx?Id=154
link allows you to use different ways to submit a letter—you can use a sample
we have prepared or write your own in the space provided and opt for DRN to
mail it in for you or you can print it out to mail yourself or click on the
link to the government portal to submit.
can also submit directly through the link in the alert below. Talking points
are provided in the alert.
Getting LOTS of letters on the record is VERY important for
this proposed action. We need to show that there is great public interest in
order to get them to not take the “quick and dirty route” to approve this, as
explained below. Numbers mean a lot so please feel free to send this alert or
the link above to other lists or feel free to use any of the info or text we
have provided, making it your own and send that out. We need to get people from
across the nation to send in comments to show that this proposal is fraught
with controversy. The deadline is short—Nov. 29.
Delaware Riverkeeper Network is
also preparing a sign-on letter for organizations to sign on to. If you are a
member of a group that may want to sign on to a more detailed letter about
this, please let me know by sending an email to tracy@delawareriverkeeper.org
and I will send you the sign-on letter in a few days.
WMCG Signed On To The Following Letter Against Waste on
Delaware Riverkeepers
Management Facility (M-30)
Department of Transportation,
Building Ground Floor
New Jersey Avenue SE.,
D.C. 20590-0001
Docket Number USCG -2013-0915
request the Coast Guard not approve the proposed policy letter to permit shale
gas extraction wastewater to be carried on the Nation’s rivers, including the
Delaware River. I submit these comments
because I have deep interest in the protection of our rivers from pollution and
consider the transport by barge in bulk of this wastewater to be a risk we
cannot afford.
of people drink water from these rivers.
In Pennsylvania, for instance, where shale gas extraction is speeding
forward in the Marcellus, 6.2 million people get their drinking water from the
Susquehanna River, 3 million from the Ohio River Basin, and 17 million people
rely on the Delaware River. A spill or
accident can easily become a drinking water catastrophe and the cumulative
impacts of spills, emissions, and traffic on the nation’s public health and
environment, including natural ecosystems, fish and aquatic life, are huge
considering the toxic and radioactive make-up if this wastewater.
am asking you to not approve this proposed policy letter because:
and radioactive materials don’t belong on our rivers; the risk of contamination
and degradation of water quality and natural values is too great.
proprietary information about frack chemicals in the wastewater can be kept
secret from the public, keeping people in the dark about what is being
waiver provision is a gaping loophole that will allow the proposed conditions
to be avoided.
for radioactivity and chemical analysis “may” be required but should be
mandatory in all circumstances; ongoing monitoring for radioactivity or
chemical release is not required but should be.
venting provisions for tanks refer to worker safety which is important but
should also be designed to measure and control emissions that could impact the
public, wildlife and the environment.
the approval to a barge owner will be implemented is too vague and puts needed
regulatory enforcement and oversight at arm’s length.
analysis for the Coast Guard’s “categorical exclusion” is minimal and effective
public participation is stymied.
impacts, upstream and downstream effects of this proposal should be included in
a robust environmental analysis to include the extraction, production, and
ground or pipeline transport of the wastewater to barge locations as well as
the impacts from storage, processing or “disposal” of this waste at its
temporary and/or final destination.
Alternatives to the barge carriage should also be analyzed.
public participation process is deeply flawed due to a very short 30 day
comment period (that is further reduced by holidays and a 3 day system shutdown
at the website portal where comments were to be submitted), due to the lack of
any public discussion of input from other agencies that have relevant
responsibilities, and due to the opaque administrative procedure utilized that
avoids a more participatory and transparent rulemaking process.
these reasons, and more, I request you do not approve this policy letter, that
you not proceed with a categorical exclusion under NEPA for this activity, and
that you extend the public comment period to 120 days so that the public can be
given needed time to provide information on the record and to influence your
PA gas industry puts endangered animals at
***Tell State Reps. to Vote NO on bills that gut protections for endangered and threatened species
` “The Pennsylvania gas
industry just can’t stand any limits on its activities, even when land, air,
water, and fish and wildlife are at stake. In 2012, they tried to gut municipal
rights to keep gas facilities away from homes, schools, and farms. Now they
want to hamstring public agencies that protect threatened, endangered, and rare
(and mining) interests claim that by following science and the law, the PA Fish
and Boat Commission and the PA Game Commission make it hard to develop dirty
energy projects.
that could be voted on as early as this week would undermine the independence
of these public agencies to implement Pennsylvania's endangered species laws.
For decades, they’ve run programs to protect species like the osprey, great
egret, bog turtle, and wild trout, and they’ve succeeded in protecting habitat
and bringing wildlife back from the brink.
House Bill 1576 and Senate Bill
1047 would make it much harder for the Fish and Boat and Game Commissions to
protect species. All proposals to list species would be subject to a lengthy
review—not by scientists or wildlife advocates, but by political appointees.
The bills would also force the agencies to figure out how to save species
harmed by development—not the company that actually caused the damage.
TAKE ACTION: Tell your representatives that you oppose HB 1576 and SB 1047 and
want them to vote NO when the bills come to the floor.
Thank you! Nadia Steinzor, Eastern Program Coordinator.
Safeguard Federal Lands from Pro-Fracking Legislation!
“Our nation's public lands belong to
all Americans, but pro-fracking members of Congress have introduced legislation
to let states decide how the oil and gas industry will drill and frack our
national forests, wildlife refuges, and public lands. Congress may soon vote on
this terrible bill, H.R. 2728, which
would turn control of dirty and dangerous fracking and drilling on our federal
lands over to the states. “
***Tell FERC---Stop Rubber-Stamping Frack Pipelines
September 29, Steven Jensen, a farmer in North Dakota, discovered a massive
865,000-gallon fracked oil spill in a wheat field on his land. The spill, which
is one of the largest inland oil-pipeline accidents in the United States ever,
may have gone on for weeks unnoticed before it was discovered.
spill in North Dakota is not an isolated incident. Every week there are news
reports about pipeline leaks and explosions that contaminate our land and water
and sometimes kill. But instead of fixing its crumbling infrastructure, the oil
and gas industry has embarked on a reckless spending spree. It wants to
build thousands of miles of new pipelines so that it can frack America and make
us dependent on dirty fossil fuels for decades to come.
We have to speak out now to stop it. My
petition, which is to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, says the
doesn’t need endless pipelines and related infrastructure that impact local
communities and that choke off the development of clean, renewable energy
supplies. It is time for FERC to put down its rubber stamp and place a
moratorium on new fracking and oil- and gas-related infrastructure projects.
Tell the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission: Stop approving
oil and gas infrastructure.
land is seized by eminent domain. Dangerous and polluting compressor stations
are constructed in the middle of residential neighborhoods. One gas pipeline is
slated to cut through the Gateway National Recreation Area. And now there’s a
plan to build another large and potentially explosive pipeline near a nuclear
reactor in one of the most densely populated areas of the country.
can this happen? Isn’t anyone looking out for the public’s safety and welfare?
That "someone" should be FERC, the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission. It’s supposed to consider “public convenience and
necessity” before permitting projects like these. But it’s fallen down on the
job. Instead of critically examining all the impacts associated with oil and
gas infrastructure, it’s become a rubber stamp for an industry that has shown
that it doesn’t give a damn about the health and safety of the American people.
Tell FERC that America doesn’t need endless
pipelines and related infrastructure that impact local communities and choke
off the development of clean, renewable energy supplies.
Will you join me and add your name to my petition to
the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to demand that it stop approving oil
and gas infrastructure?
Thank you for your
Jill Wiener
Fossil Free Pittsburgh Petition
“ The campaign: City of Pittsburgh:
Invest in Thrive-ability - Divest from Fossil Fuel. Add your name to this fossil fuel
divestment campaign.
The divestment movement is
catching on like wildfire, and with good reason: If it is wrong to wreck the
climate, then it is wrong to profit from that wreckage. We believe that
educational and religious institutions, city and state governments, and other
institutions that serve the public good should divest from fossil fuels.
Every name that is added builds momentum
around the divestment effort and makes it more likely for us to win. “
Frack Links
*** Health Effects
of Drilling with Theo Colburn-6 minutes
Excerpt: “Gas in not all methane-at most 82%.
The rest of the composition is short -chained hydrocarbons and
benzene-like compounds. Tons per day are emitted from just one well. Toluene comes up from the well in higher
concentrations than benzene. Toluene
goes right for the brain. Workers are experiencing peripheral neuropathy which
is irreversible. The government has ignored these problems completely.”
sign up for notifications of activity and violations for your area:
*** List of the Harmed--There are now
over 1600 residents of Pennsylvania who placed their names on the list of the
harmed when they became sick after fracking began in their area. http://pennsylvaniaallianceforcleanwaterandair.wordpress.com/the-list/
Fracking News
articles are excerpted. Please use the links to read the full article.
1. Orange You
A'Peelin'? Guide to PA Fracking Permit Appeals
You can print this booklet off the site.
Here’s an excerpt:
“Before the appeal, you should…
1) Follow oil
and gas permits in your township, borough, and/or county using the PA DEP’s ENotice system: http://www.ahs.dep.pa.gov/eNOTICEweb/
or Google “PA DEP ENotice”
2) Comment on permit applications early,
with your neighbors. Good topics may include nearby residents with
respiratory illness, nearby threatened, rare, or endangered species habitat,
the violations record of the company, the impact on the housing market,
homeowners insurance rates, and mortgage availability, and the impact on local
recreational and tourist businesses.
3) For your
comment, check for local endangered
species habitat using the Pennsylvania Natural Diversity Inventory in your
county. Google: “Pennsylvania PNDI” and check the GIS map and the resources
report for your county to get details.
4) If you are
citing respiratory illness as a concern,
it is helpful to include a doctor’s note explaining your diagnosis with your
public comment.
5) To search for and print out the violations
record for any driller, use the PA DEP Oil and Gas Compliance Report, with date
ranges from 01/01/2000 to present, and “Unconventional Only” selected to
make sure you’re only looking at shale gas wells. Google “PA DEP Gas Compliance
Report” and navigate to the report viewer. Exporting the results of your search
as a PDF and printing it out for you comment, will also allow you to more
easily peruse the inspector’s comments and cite them in your arguments.
Under the new Act 13 law, PA DEP has a right to deny a permit to any company with an outstanding
violation. The relevant section that you should quote in your comment is
Section 3211. You should encourage DEP to exercise its power, especially if the
driller you are fighting has a lot of violations.
2. Well
inspections Should Have Begun- But Plan Was
Not Implemented
By Laura Legere
“Oil and
gas drillers are beginning state-mandated inspections of all of their working
wells this fall, more than two and a half years after the requirement was
adopted but not implemented.
The rule added to Pennsylvania's oil and gas regulations in
February 2011 requires companies to
inspect all of their operating wells for signs of leaks and corrosion four
times a year and submit the results to the state annually. The state touted the quarterly inspections as
a vital tool for detecting potential safety or environmental impacts.
But the
inspections were postponed while the DEP addressed what its oil and gas program
chief called "paperwork issues," as well as logistical concerns about
how to gather and use the mountain of data to be reported about more than
90,000 operating wells in the commonwealth. Progress was also delayed by an
associated project intended to assess the severity of defects that drillers
might find.
"Candidly, this process should have been
completed before now," Scott Perry, DEP's deputy secretary for oil and
gas management, said during an interview at his Harrisburg office.
so-called mechanical integrity inspections are meant to alert operators to
creeping problems before they become hazards and offer DEP a way to measure changes without
assigning inspectors to canvas every well.
particularly wanted to address cases where gas channels up the cemented strings
of steel casing that serve as a
barrier between wells and aquifers -- a defect, according to state rules, and a
documented problem in some wells. If the problems are severe, they can open pathways for gas to escape
into water supplies, bubble up in streams or create an explosion risk in
confined spaces.
Companies have to monitor and report the
pressure in their wells, as well as check for escaping or flowing gas, brine or
liquid hydrocarbons and signs of severe corrosion. The state is not requiring companies to retrofit
their wells with gauges or meters or dig out buried parts in order to
report this information, although it suggests companies should renovate wells
to make monitoring easier if they have the chance. According to one DEP tip
sheet, "Only those components of the inspection that can be completed must
be completed."While the department does not think it is necessary to
assign inspectors to look at all wells each year……
inspection program specifically requires companies to alert the DEP immediately
and take steps to fix excessive pressure or severe corrosion at a well.
are also bound by laws and rules that require them to report and remedy other
problems, including spills and defective cement. But during its development,
the inspection program was stalled….
The Department of Environmental Protection particularly
wanted to address cases where gas channels up the cemented strings of steel
casing that serve as a barrier between wells and aquifers -- a defect,
according to state rules, and a documented problem in some wells. If the
problems are severe, they can open pathways for gas to escape into water
supplies, bubble up in streams or create an explosion risk in confined spaces.”
3. Video: How Does Weather Affect Fracking Pollution Near Your Home
Environmental Health Project
4. Gas Industry-- Erosion and Sediment Threat to Trout
to forest habitat and the migration of soil into streams and rivers are two
immediate threats fish and wildlife face from Marcellus Shale development.
Paula Piatt told a group that erosion and sedimentation is the single largest
threat to trout habitat from energy development in Pennsylvania. As gas production and pipeline companies
clear strips and patches of forest and agricultural land, replacing them with
roads, well pads and pipeline right-of-ways, the disturbed earth can run off
into streams. This suspended sediment can bury trout eggs and smother the
aquatic insects the fish feed on.
Habitat fragmentation,
in this case the break-up of contiguous pieces of forestland, could also likely
drive changes in the composition of species that live in Pennsylvania's gas
country, Ms. Piatt said. To put it simply, carving a swath of road through a
forest creates a new kind of habitat in what could have once been forest
interior: forest edge. Trout Unlimited has a list of policy recommendations
based on what it has learned, including:
* Inspection of vehicles and
equipment for invasive species and training for energy employees on how to
identify them and stop their spread.
* Limiting or halting water
withdrawals from streams and rivers during fish spawning season and during the
heat of the summer.
* Posting of information on state websites
detailing active drilling and pipeline sites on public lands.”
5. Measuring
Landscape Disturbance From Gas Operations in 4 More PA Counties
Sullivan, Wyoming,
Armstrong and Indiana Counties Examined
The study: "Landscape consequences of natural gas
extraction in Sullivan and Wyoming Counties, Pennsylvania, 2004-2010,"
by, E.T. Slonecker, L.E. Milheim, C.M. Roig-Silva, and A.R. Malizia Open
“Landscape change in
Pennsylvania's Sullivan, Wyoming, Armstrong and Indiana counties resulting from
construction of well pads, new roads and pipelines for natural gas and coalbed
methane exploration is being documented to help determine the potential
consequences for ecosystems and wildlife, according to two U.S. Geological
Survey reports released today.
Using geospatial data and high
resolution aerial imagery from 2004-2010, USGS researchers documented spatially
explicit patterns of disturbance, or land use, related to natural gas resource
development, such as hydraulic fracturing, particularly
disturbance patterns related to well pads, roads and pipeline construction.
Researchers found that in Sullivan County, 8 natural gas
extraction sites resulted in more than 24 hectares of disturbance, including
2.4 kilometers (1.49 miles) of new roads and no new pipelines. In Sullivan
County, disturbance is sparsely distributed along the northern edge of the
county. Most of this disturbance is
Marcellus related.
In Wyoming County, 22 natural gas extraction sites resulted in more
than 59 hectares of disturbance, including 4.5 kilometers (2.79 miles) of new
roads and 2.2 kilometers (1.36 miles) of new pipelines. In Wyoming County,
disturbance is dispersed in the northwest quadrant of the county and is related
to Marcellus Shale natural gas extraction.
The study found that in Armstrong County, 1,912 natural gas
extraction sites resulted in more than 1376 hectares of disturbance, including
515.6 kilometers (320.37 miles) of new roads and more than 63.3 kilometers
(39.33 miles) of new pipelines.
In Indiana County, 1,875 natural gas extraction sites resulted in
more than 1,493 hectares of disturbance, including more than 572.1 kilometers
(355.48 miles) of new roads and 71.3 kilometers (44.30 miles) of new pipelines.
Spatially explicit data on the
level of landscape disturbance -- which is geographic information systems data,
mapped to a high degree of spatial accuracy -- is critically important to the
long-term study of the potential impacts of natural gas development on human
and ecological health.
"These studies are part of
the larger USGS evaluation of disturbance due to natural gas extraction in the
Marcellus Shale region of Pennsylvania. They show the level of activity in
these four counties and will help create a total picture of the level of
landscape disturbance in the region in 2010," said Terry Slonecker,
project lead.
With the release of information on
the four counties today, the USGS has completed analysis of landscape
disturbance in 18 Pennsylvania counties.
Results of studies on 17 more counties in the state will be released in
the coming months.
Data from these reports will be used to assess the effects of
disturbance and land-cover change on wildlife, water quality, invasive species
and socioeconomic impacts, among other investigations.”
6. Gas Could Pose
Problems For Nuclear Energy
“The Nuclear Energy Institute, the industry's
lobbying group, has expressed concerns about what the fracking frenzy and
falling natural gas prices are doing to the nuclear industry globally.
Myers, the institute's vice president for policy development, said the closing
of the Kewaunee nuclear plant in Wisconsin and the planned closing of the
Vermont Yankee nuclear plant in Vermont next year "raise legitimate
questions" about whether the natural gas boom is having a chilling effect
on the nuclear industry.
and Vermont Yankee are two plants that the nuclear institute believes are
closing almost exclusively because of economics, not operations. Those
announcements came this year with the closings of the Crystal River nuclear
plant in Florida and the twin-reactor San Onofre complex in California -- the
largest number of U.S. nuclear plants taken out of production in years.
FirstEnergy nuclear power plants are expected to remain
* At Davis-Besse,
east of Toledo, FirstEnergy Corp. is following through on its commitment to
replace the plant's original pair of steam generators with two new ones next
* At Perry, east of
Cleveland, FirstEnergy is moving forward with plans to apply for a 20-year
license extension in 2015. Perry's license expires March 18, 2026.
* At Beaver Valley 1
and 2, west of Pittsburgh, operating licenses were extended for 20 years in
2009. Beaver Valley 1 is now licensed through Jan. 29, 2036. Beaver Valley 2 is
licensed through May 27, 2047.
replaced Beaver Valley 1's steam generator and reactor head in 2006. It is
making plans to replace Beaver Valley 2's steam generator and reactor head in
generator replacement is typically the most expensive project utilities will do
at nuclear plants with pressurized water reactors -- about two-thirds of
American plants. The remaining plants have reactors with a boiling-water
design, which do not use steam generators.”
7. High Praise for
Triple Divide
“The new documentary, Triple
Divide, details impacts like water contamination and corruption with
eye-opening reports. The film covers a two-year analysis of state records and
landowner interviews by investigative news nonprofit Public Herald, co-founded
by Melissa Troutman and Joshua Pribanic. Actor Mark Ruffalo co-narrates the
film, which features stunning cinematography and original storytelling, mostly
in Bradford and Potter counties.
can expect to witness a side of fracking they’ve never seen before by watching
Triple Divide,” said Pribanic. The film
is the first of its kind to show illegal burial of potentially radioactive
waste in Exceptional Value Watersheds. It highlights new concepts regarding an
issue dubbed “The Pressure Bulb” referring to the unregulated force needed to
frack a well, and uncovers a ‘predrill scandal’ where the industry is allowed
to dismiss its own science.
Hard-hitting, Triple Divide is
also fair. The DEP, in charge of fracking in the state, is highlighted in the
film for weakly enforced regulations. Yet DEP Deputy Secretary Scott Perry told
Troutman he’s seen the film and it’s very well done. “This attests to Public
Herald’s journalistic integrity and ability to reach both ends of the public
spectrum: community members and heads of state,” said Troutman.
Jed Thorp of the Ohio Sierra Club
said, “It’s hard to imagine anyone having a fully-informed opinion about
fracking without seeing Triple Divide.” And Pennsylvania native Robert Donnan,
self-described shale gas researcher, says Triple Divide is the “best movie on
fracking to date [with] facts not fiction or spin.”
8. Colorado
Proposes Air Quality Crackdown On Gas Operations
Methane/VOC Regulations
From: Office of Fred Krupp, Environmental Defense
Fund (EDF)
“Proposed air
regulations for oil and gas operations explicitly regulate methane emissions —
a first anywhere in the nation. Under the proposal, so-called “fugitive” emissions of both volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) and methane from well sites, storage vessels and compressors would be
subject to frequent monitoring, with operators required to fix leaks and to
keep inspection records and results.
As written, this would be the
strongest rule in the nation for leak detection and repair. The state is breaking new ground on a whole
series of measures that cumulatively will dramatically improve Colorado’s air
quality and provide a model for the country.
We expect a rulemaking to be
formally launched on November 21st that will culminate in public hearings in
February 2014. A nine-member panel of Air
Quality Control Commissioners appointed by the governor must approve the final
rules. So we have a long way to go before this becomes law, and opposition from
some parts of the industry in Colorado and nationally is sure to be ferocious”.
(EDF Worked on these
regulations. Jan)
************** Related
News Articles
pressure to tighten air quality standards for oil and gas drillers, Colorado
officials on Monday proposed the
nation’s first statewide standards for methane emissions and other heightened
safeguards. The proposed rules don’t
require more state inspections of drilling sites. But they do recommend a system of infrared cameras to
speed detection of leaks from tanks and pipelines. The monitoring has an
estimated price tag to the industry of $30 million. “
“The new
regulations “reflect a real desire and a push to see something a little
stronger on the health side,” said Dr. Larry Wolk, Colorado’s chief medical
officer. Some local governments, such as Los Angeles County, regulate drilling
methane emissions, but Colorado’s would be the first statewide standard.
Colorado’s Air Quality Control Commission could make the rules final by
February. Health officials predicted the regulations would reduce volatile organic compounds emissions by 92,000 tons a year, a
reduction of more than a third from 2011 rates. The estimated reduction represents
more than so-called VOC emissions by all cars in Colorado in a year.”
9. Fracking Boom
Causes Mortgage Issues
least three institutions — Tompkins Financial (TMP) in Ithaca, N.Y., Spain's
Santander Bank and State Employees' Credit Union in Raleigh, N.C. — are
refusing to make mortgages on land where oil or gas rights have been sold to an
energy company.
Much of
the land available for fracking is occupied by single-family homes and farms.
If oil or gas is beneath his property, a homeowner could sell the rights to an
energy firm, potentially reaping millions of dollars. That transaction could
also derail a mortgage.
The uniform New York state mortgage
agreement, used by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, states that "you cannot
cause or permit any hazardous materials to be on your property and it
specifically references oil and gas," says Greg May, vice president of residential
mortgage lending at Tompkins. "That alone would make it a problem."
mortgage agreement says homeowners can
sell an oil or gas lease to an energy firm with prior consent from a lender,
but May says, "I don't know any
lenders who are granting that right now."
Fannie Mae owns the mortgage, it's unlikely it would approve such a transfer.
Fannie Mae generally does not "allow surface instruments," such as an
oil rig, on property it owns, says spokeswoman Callie Dosberg. A landowner
could apply for prior approval, and there "may be a work-around, but
generally the agency does not approve such requests," she says.
greater concern for homeowners is that Fannie
Mae or Freddie Mac could force the entire outstanding loan balance to become
due immediately.
Mac is within its legal authority to exercise a mortgage's "due on
sale" clause if a borrower enters into a mineral-rights agreement, says
spokesman Brad German. He says no "public information" is available
to show if that has ever happened.
Banks are
in a bind, too, May says. On one hand, they must follow Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac policies, but they don't want to add dozens of foreclosed homes to their
Employees' Credit Union said this year that it would stop making mortgages on
properties that have mineral rights "severed," meaning the landowner
sold the oil rights. About 80% of the credit union's $14.5 billion loan
portfolio involves residential mortgages.
Oil rigs
on a piece of land would affect the values of neighboring properties, says Jim
Blaine, the $27 billion-asset credit union's president.
"You could end up where someone puts a
drilling platform on that property," Blaine says. "We'd have to tell
their neighbors, 'We're sorry, your property value just went down.'"
big mortgage lenders with operations in fracking areas have yet to implement an
outright ban. Wells Fargo (WFC) has "no blanket restrictions" on its
lending policies on properties where there is oil or gas drilling, says
spokesman Jim Hines.
Fracking could have a negative influence on
property values, so it is an issue all mortgage lenders should review, says
Steve Hvozdovich, Marcellus Campaign Coordinator for Clean Water Action. A
potential problem is oil leaks, which can cause water pollution, he says.
"A lot
of people in rural Pennsylvania rely on well water for their homes,"
Hvozdovich says. "If you have contaminated well water, you don't have a
reliable drinking water source, which is going to make it almost impossible to
resell the home."
ultimate warning sign for banks may be insurance, May says. A borrower can't
get a mortgage without homeowners' insurance. "We're actually seeing
insurance companies cancel [insurance] renewals when they find a [gas or oil]
lease on the property," May says.”
10. Why Fracking
Is a Problem for Banks
“The rise in hydraulic fracturing is creating
headaches for banks that lend to local homeowners, who risk violating
government mortgage standards when they sell their property's energy rights to
oil and gas companies. American Banker editors discuss the foreclosure and even
environmental problems that fracking can create for lenders, and how some banks
are coping. “
11. John Trallo-- On
Marc 1 Pipeline
is the parent company of Central New York Oil and Gas aka: CNYOG the same
company that bullied their Marc-1
pipeline project through, and used eminent domain as a "negotiating
tactic" to force landowners into: a) accepting the $2 p/linear foot
they offered to put a pipeline right-of-way across their property, and/or b)
forcing the pipeline on landowners who simply tried to exercise their right to
say no.
Yes, these are the same "good
neighbors" the local small-time, spineless elected officials in Bradford,
Sullivan, and Lycoming Counties not only supported, but stood with them against
their constituents.
Note that they claimed to support
this project on the basis that this would be done with "the most stringent
safety and environmental conditions" and "to reduce the
Commonwealth's and the nation's dependence on foreign oil, and to increase the
availability of clean-burning natural gas to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions." None of which turned out to be even half true. The entire Marc-1 pipeline was built using
'class one' safety and environmental standards - the lowest standards possible.
The Marcellus gas is now slated for export to overseas markets in Asia via the
Dominion LNG Export Terminal in Cove Point, MD, and we now know by the
industry's own estimates that these pipelines will leak 8 to 10% of this
'unconventional' natural gas [i.e. methane] into the atmosphere, and methane is
a far more potent greenhouse gas then CO2.
Now, they
[Inergy/CNYOG] are employing the same bullying and intimidation tactics in the
Finger Lakes in NYS.
The big difference between what
they did in PA, and what their trying to do in NY is that the NY politicians
are not as greedy and corrupt as those in PA, and the people in NY learned from
what they observed in PA that this company, and this industry as a whole can
not be trusted!
I would also like to add that Gas
Free Seneca is now a member of the Shale Justice Coalition, and SJC fully
supports their fight to preserve and protect the Finger Lakes against Inergy/CNYOG.”
John Trallo
Justice Coalition
County Listening Project
Shalefield Organizing Committee
12. The Scariest Real Estate Advertisement On
unusual real estate advertisement appeared on
Craigslist Tuesday. The ad starts as any
listing for a rural area might, billing the property as “Heavily forested land
with berry bushes and nut trees and hardwoods in rural mountainous setting with
forks and creek.” But by the second sentence, it takes a surprising turn,
describing land in Blaine, Kentucky that seemingly sits near or on several
different dirty fuel projects:
gas available and royalties. Somewhere between 80 and 125 acres. Surveyed.
Lease unavailable… Radioactive soils, history of discharges to land and
water including land farming, present discharges to protected waterways.
Flooding due to Yatesville Dam hydrologic gate failures. Anyone with chemical
sensitivies should not consider this property and its resulting oozing rashes
consistent with chemical burns and breathing problems probably from air discharges
from Abarta Gas Plant emissions. This
property is not suitable for farm animals, pets, children, adults, fishing,
swimming, hiking or farm animals. Really, it’s not suitable for building or
It’s not suitable for
4-wheeling or hunting as above- ground corroded gathering lines that feed to
the transmission line on the ridgetops are all combustible and highly flamable. Majestic old standing lumber is not safe to fell or remove due to the
magnitude of the condemnation by the gathering field. The unmarked pipes are
not maintained and pose a serious risk of leakage and spills. The abandoned
crusty ones are very toxic.
The ad, which totals 915 words, has no real author name listed, so it’s not
clear whether it’s a stunt by a group or an individual, or a fed-up landowner
making a statement. ThinkProgress reached out to the listed email address for
comment, but has not yet heard back.
Kentucky, where the property is purported to be, and its surrounding area, is
home to idled and abandoned coal mines. The town’s population plummeted from 259 to 47 between 2009 and 2010. The land is also said to be on
Martha Oil Field, which is a radioactive
site. It was tapped for oil in the early 1900s and
later by a process of water injection, but because it lays on a shale bed with
a naturally-occurring type of radiation, residents believed all of the extraction equipment used was contaminated. In 2007, they sued Ashland Oil Company for
health damages. Ashland claimed the residents were overreacting, and the company
has since been folded into another oil corporation.
ad goes into this a little bit, while also mentioning the “fracking” boom in
Eastern Kentucky. It warns potential buyers “The area has lots of production
wells where produced water is injected and a history of fire flooding and water
flooding and hydraulic fracturing.”
inside the Martha Oil Field, which covers a 50 square mile area…. Fish
advisories were in effect last I checked and local surface waters are not
supportive of normal things. No county water to the property at present.
Three wells of public record on property. Could be more! …There may be an
underground tank or two not of record. Definitely lots of leaks. Raw sewage
discharged to forks and branches from adjacent properties has been a long-term
practice. A pond that likely contained fracturing solution was ordered to be
breached by the Corp of Engineers, spilling it down the draw into the main
creek at one point. This creek is one of two main tributaries of the popular Yatesville
Lake. Another mountainside earthen ram retention pond, possibly an evaporation
pond of toxins (wells are immediately adjacent) could flood the entire area at
any time. Aside from that, the property is gorgeous and wonderful, very
pleasing to the eye.” “http://www.alternet.org/fracking/scariest-real-estate-advertisement-craigslist
13. Gas Industry Funded Pro-fracking Movie 'Truthland,
Newly surfaced income
tax documents have revealed a strong connection between the pro-fracking movie “Truthland” and lobbyists
in the gas industry. Truthland was criticized by scientists for downplaying the
effect fracking has on the environment, including rendering tap water
undrinkable in multiple regions throughout the US. Critics have asserted that the film was made
with the intent to spread disinformation, and that the producers were effectively the employees of industry executives and
lobbyists who commissioned the film to protect their own reputation.
New evidence indicates that the ties between
the fracking industry and 'Truthland' were much stronger than previously
suspected. A 2012 income tax form pointed out by The Nation's Lee Fang shows the movie was funded with a $1 million
grant from American Natural Gas Alliance, Inc. – an association of some of
the most powerful fracking companies currently at work. Devon Energy,
Apache, Noble Energy, Range Resources, XTO Energy, Southwestern Energy and
Pioneer Natural Resources are all among those behind the American
Natural Gas Alliance (ANGA). The 'Truthland' film website was briefly
registered to an Oklahoma office belonging to the Chesapeake Energy
Trouble in Truthland:
14. Conservative Group Cheers ‘Fracking’ Bill
“The conservative Americans for Prosperity is praising an effort in the
House to limit the Obama administration’s power to regulate “fracking” on
public lands. The legislation would
block the Interior Department’s efforts to issue new rules for the
controversial energy development method in states that have their own
regulations. The federal rules, which are still in the works, would require
that companies disclose the chemicals they use in the fracking process and set
standards for water released to the surface as part of the operation.
Critics of the
Interior Department’s effort say that states are best able to handle oversight
of fracking operations. The House Rules Committee is meeting on Monday evening to
prepare the bill, known as the Protecting States’ Rights to Promote American
Energy Security Act, for the House floor. The full chamber is scheduled to vote
on the legislation on Wednesday. On Tuesday, the House is scheduled to vote on
a separate bill, from Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.), that would make it easier
for oil and gas companies to get permits to drill on federal lands.”
Full text of Bill:
15. In 2010 Chesapeake/Schlumberger Fined $22,000 Each In Cows' Deaths-
By Vickie Welborn
KEITHVILLE – Chesapeake Energy
Corp. and its contractor Schlumberger Technology Corp. each must pay $22,000
for violating state law in connection with the deaths almost a year ago of 17
cows at a natural gas well site.
At the time, Schlumberger, as a
contractor of Chesapeake, was performing routine fracturing of the natural gas
well. LDEQ determined during its investigation
that fluid leaked from the well pad then ran into an adjacent pasture after a
A Dec. 2 report by contract
toxicologist Dr. June Sutherlin now posted on the LDEQ Web site concludes the cows’ deaths were consistent with and
suggestive of petroleum hydrocarbon ingestion with secondary aspiration
on the typical period of time required for cattle to die from aspiration
pneumonia secondary to petroleum hydrocarbon ingestion, it is likely that the
cattle were exposed to petroleum hydrocarbons prior to April 28, 2009,” according
to Sutherlin’s report.”
Bob Donnan’s Commentary:
may have also heard similar stories around Pennsylvania, like Terry Greenwood’s
perhaps George Watson’s story from Greene County:
http://youtu.be/dC7PwrGRh4I (3:21)
File photo by Bob Donnan: Black Angus cattle
grazing near a
County, Pa compressor station:
Westmoreland Marcellus Citizen’s Group—Mission Statement
WMCG is a project of the Thomas
Merton Society
To raise the public’s general awareness and
understanding of the impacts of Marcellus drilling on the natural environment,
health, and long-term economies of local communities.
President-Jan Milburn
Treasurer and Thomas Merton Society liason-Lou Pochet
Secretary-Ron Nordstrom
Facebook Coordinator-Elizabeth Nordstrom
Blogsite –April Jackman
Science Subcommittee-Dr. Cynthia Walter