Friday, October 10, 2014

This Weekend –Climate Action March-oct 11th

This Weekend –Climate Action March


Butler is Hosting An event for the Climate March-Oct 11
Save the Date:
 Western PA’s Global Frackdown is set for Saturday Oct 11 at Diamond Park in Butler, 2-5 PM. 
               Here is link to the website Be there to welcome the Great March for Climate Action on the Pennsylvania leg of its journey from LA to DC. 
 Here is link to Bill Moyers’ interview of one of the marchers:
               Be there for the launch of Pennsylvanians Against Fracking.
 Bring your signs.  Bring your banner.  And BE THERE!
(More details to come.  Contact if you want to carpool to attend this event)

***The Great March for Climate Action –Event in Butler
 How about this? Can you help make it happen?
 The Great March for Climate Action
               Coming to Monroeville October 16.  On March 1, 2014, hundreds of everyday Americans set out from Los Angeles, CA, on a 3,000-mile walk to Washington, D.C., with a goal of inspiring others from all walks of life to take action on the climate crisis. The march has delivered to thousands of Americans the message that urgent action is needed on climate change. Dozens of newspaper and television reports have resulted. Thousands have marched for at least a day, with a core group of 25-35 persons walking the entire distance. Thousands of one-on-one conversations between Americans concerned about our future have taken place. Songs around the campfire and sermons in church sanctuaries and coalition-building gatherings have reverberated across the country.
 Take a look at the website to learn more:
               The march will enter Pennsylvania on October 10, with stops in Bessemer on Oct 10 at Maggie Henry's farm, Darlington (Oct 11) [with an excursion that day to Butler, PA for a Global Frackdown rally], Freedom (Oct 12), Ben Avon (Oct 13), Pittsburgh, (Oct 14-15), Monroeville (Oct 16), South Greensburg (Oct 17), Ligonier (Oct 18) and five other stops in PA before exiting to Maryland on October 25th.
               . The marchers want nothing more than to be helpful in adding their voices and bodies to the fights we have on our hands.
 If you are interested in helping this march amplify its impact as it comes through Pennsylvania, then let me know and I will try to connect you with events along the Pennsylvania rout.
 CONTACT: Stephen Cleghorn, Paradise Gardens and Farm or 814-932-6761

Westmoreland County-From Father Survil
The Climate March is coming to Westmoreland County. Marchers are leaving Monroeville October 17th and arriving at  Seton Hill University, Greensburg, that evening. They will gather with people on campus at The Reeves Theater from 6 to 9 pm. This is open to the public; admission is free. The marchers leave the next morning, Oct 18th, to walk to Ligonier and meet with folk there that evening.
               Some 50 of them are in the contingent. They are eager to have people join them along the way, if only for a mile or two.
               Recall that over 300,000 participated in the People’s Climate March in New York City, September 21, 2014.  ( )
               Although they bring tents and sleeping gear to camp out by night, we are seeking folk willing to offer a few of them hospitality in their home for a single evening,  be it in the Greensburg area or Ligonier.
               We are also seeking a venue for a Catholic Climate Covenant speaker Catholic Charities and Catholic Relief Services-approved initiative.     He speaks at Duquesne University during the day of October 15th and could speak in Greensburg the evening of October 14th or 16th as well as in college or high school classes during the day.

Peace and all good things,
 Fr. Bernard Survil, Westmoreland Reception Team helper
 Phone:  724-850-1616,