* To view permanent documents, past updates, reports, general information and meeting information http://westmorelandmarcellus.blogspot.com/
* Our email address: westmcg@gmail.com
* To contact your state legislator:
For the email address, click on the envelope under the photo
* For information on PA state gas legislation and local control: http://pajustpowers.org/aboutthebills.html-
***Penn Twp What: Educational Workshop on
“Defending the Environmental Rights of Pennsylvania Communities from
Shale Gas Development; Strategies for Residents and Local Officials”
When: March 9th @ 6:30pm
Where: WCCC- Bushy Run Campus Classroom 9105 (6706 Mellon Rd, Ex-
port, PA 15632)
Why: In order to
help meet the challenges of protecting the environmental rights of
communities threatened by shale gas development, Delaware Riverkeeper
Network has issued a guidebook to help municipalities and residents arm
themselves with planning and zoning to protect them and their local
environment from harm.
Speaker: Tracy Carluccio, Deputy Director Delaware Riverkeeper Network
***Film-Triple Divide –Claridge PA Free
and open to the public, the screening is set for Saturday, March 5th,
Doors will open at 6 PM with the screening to begin at 6:30 PM.
2016 at the Bushy Run American Legion, 3002 Main Street Claridge, PA
15623. Hosted by Protect PT
Legal Cases These cases will shed some light on how the new PA Supreme Court will view fracking cases.
***Two important cases will be argued:
1) Robinson Twp vs. the PUC, DEP, and AG (as previously announced)
March 9, 9 AM
City Hall - Room 456
Philadelphia, PA 19107
2) Pennsylvania Environmental Defense Foundation (PEDF)
John E. Childe is scheduled to present Oral Argument in Philadelphia
before Pennsylvania's Supreme Court in PEDF's landmark lawsuit to
affirm meaning to Article I § 27 (the public trust amendment) and save
our state forests and parks from the harmful effects of unconventional
gas drilling.
“ From FOREST Coalition: Now
is the time to support PEDF's case, because losing the right to clean
air & water is for a lifetime. The PA Environmental Defense
Foundation has taken on great debt to pay for this case. Now it the
last step.
PEDF is in need of donations. If you wish to help the cause:
PEDF is a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization
Donations are fully tax-deductible
You can donate by PayPal or pledge a monthly amount at
or write a check today to:
PEDF, P.O. Box 371, Camp Hill PA 17001 - 0371
Please forward this message to your friends
Winning means:
· Every elected official, from the Governor on down, is responsible to protecting our right to clean air and water.
· It will help DCNR to protect our State Parks and Forests from further destruction from gas leases.
DEP's work is made easier with the Court's
backing. Think of the impaired Susquehanna River and air quality near
gas operations.
Losing would mean:
· The words in Article I § 27 of our State Constitution will be interpreted by our State Assembly as they see fit.
We can't take that chance, because without clean air & water, we have nothing.”
***Superior Court Says Range Resources Can't Hide Pollution Tests From Residents
“Residents near Range Resource’s Yeager drill site in Washington Co.
who are suing due to contamination, can seek records of air monitoring
and other pollution tests that a consultant performed at gas facilities,
the PA Superior Court ruled, shooting down the company's objections.
The plaintiffs are represented by John Smith and Kendra Smith of Smith
Butz LLC. The case is Haney et al. v. Range
Resources-Appalachia LLC et al., , in the Superior Court of the State of
Pennsylvania.” https://www.law360.com/articles/752807/pa-fracker-can-t-keep-pollution-tests-from-residents
***Kretschmann Farm, New Sewickley
Please note the denial of
agricultural use designation for a mulching operation, yet townships
argue fracking should be a permitted agricultural use.
The appeal is based on :
** The Commonwealth
Court’s determination that the New Sewickley Twp Board of Supervisors
was NOT OBLIGATED to review the Application in the context of Article I,
Section 1 and Article I, Section 27 of the Pennsylvania Constitution
during a conditional use review
** In regard to emissions and air quality concerns, Cardinal Midstream offered Ms. Christi Wilson as a witness. Ms.
Wilson readily admitted that harmful pollutants, such as Nitrogen
Oxides, Carbon Monoxide, Formaldehyde, a known carcinogen, and Volatile
Organic Compounds, including benzene, a known carcinogen, and toluene
would, in fact, be emitted from the Compressor Station. Ms. Wilson
testified that the Compressor Station would have to comply with state
and federal permitting requirements but acknowledged on
cross-examination by the Kretschmanns’ counsel that these permitting
requirements were not health-based standards based on exposure.
Ms. Wilson further conceded
that Cardinal had not performed any air modeling for its Compressor
Station to determine how far and where its emissions would travel in New Sewickley Township, what citizens would be affected and how they would be affected."
` In a
baffling rationalization, the Commonwealth Court reasoned that
industrial compressor stations were compatible with farms and other
agricultural uses because “no court has ever held that a compressor
station cannot be compatible with other uses in an agricultural
the Commonwealth Court would now suggest that an industrial Compressor
Station is compatible with an agricultural zoning district is at odds
with not only the stated purpose of the zoning district, but with the
fact that it previously found that a “mulching business” was not
compatible with an agricultural zoning district.
If an enterprise where trees are cut into mulch is not “agricultural”, then
a heavy industrial natural gas compressor station powered by a
half-dozen internal combustion engines that emit known carcinogenic
pollutants certainly cannot qualify as “agricultural,” and therefore is incompatible with the agricultural zoning district.
** The
Commonwealth Court’s Opinion lacked any discussion of compatibility of
the use and the defined purpose of the A-1 Agricultural zoning district
that is designed to preserve environmentally sensitive areas and how
industrial compressor stations properly fit into this scheme.
** The
Commonwealth Court erred in allowing the Board to take action to approve
an industrial use in an incompatible A-1 zoning district and, by doing
so, violated Article I, Section 1 of the Pennsylvania Constitution.
Moreover, the Commonwealth Court’s holding that Cardinal had no
obligation to satisfy Article I, Section 27 misses the mark.
***Dimock Families Go to Federal Jury Trial Against Cabot Over Water Contamination
PA families with water contamination from drilling will be going to
federal jury trial against Cabot Oil & Gas. Except for a two- year
period when Cabot supplied the plaintiffs, Nolen Ely and his family, and
Ray Hubert and his family, with water, since 2008, the Elys and Huberts
have been living without reliable access to water and under rationing
conditions. To survive day to day, these families haul water at their
own expense every week for drinking, bathing and other daily basics.
Beginning in the fall of 2008, Dimock families noticed problems with
their drinking water, and began to experience rashes, nausea, headaches
and dizziness. A trigger point to the litigation was the explosion of
Norma Fiorentino’s private water well on December 31, 2008 due to
methane gas accumulation in the well head.
The case eventually included 22 families from Dimock and Springville Townships in Susquehanna County.”
PA News
***Ligonier Twp Citizens
to Preserve Ligonier Valley continues to work to support a legal
challenge to the zoning ordinance which opens up much of the township to
fracking. The legal committee continues to meet with environmental
groups willing to assist our challenge and the board devotes much time
and effort to the business needs of the group as we work towards the
goal of protecting our area from shale gas development.
***Penn Twp. Approves Land Development
The Penn
Township Planning and Zoning Commission provided preliminary approval
of the land development applications for all 7 recently proposed
unconventional gas well pads in Penn Township’s agricultural zone. In
December, the same board found all 7 of the land development
applications to be incomplete. “With state DEP permits and a decision
from the Zoning Hearing Board still pending we are unsure about why they
would choose to approve all seven of these land development
applications, even preliminarily. They are once again putting the cart
before the horse, said Gillian Graber, president of Protect PT.
Penn-Franklin's front page article, "Residents speak out against
Beattie gas well," is an excellent, thorough report on the recent Penn
Twp zoning hearing board public meeting. Please get a copy for yourself
($.35!) and support our local P-F. Apex has numerous leases in
Murrysville and plans for a well pad less than 500 ft from the southwest
Murrysville border along the PA Turnpike.
A few excerpts:
depend greatly on my (water) well," Gene Meyers, who lives on Davidson
Lane in Penn Township, told members of the zoning hearing board. "God
gave me that resource, now it is threatened - it is to be taken from
was one of the witnesses called by Oday Salim, an attorney with fair
Shake Legal Services, representing Protect PT, a citizens group which
has raised concerns and objections to the Marcellus gas wells.
the hearing on the Beattie well, proposed for the Dutch Hollow section
of Penn Township, Meyers told the board he moved to the area for the
serenity, peace and quiet of the country. He said he is 1100 ft from the
site of the proposed well.
Stating he has worked at various well sites before his retirement this year, Meyers said, "The noise will be devastating."
Feb. 11 meeting was the second night of the hearing which began Jan. 14
on the well. After two hours of testimony from witnesses called by
Apex Energy and Protect PT, approximately 15 residents from the area had
the opportunity to speak before time ran out at 10:30 PM. With more
residents expressing a desire to add their comments, the board decided
to carry the hearing over to Feb 29 when a hearing on the Draftina well,
which is located in the same area, is scheduled to begin.
first was Gary Yoder, vice president of environmental services for
Clime Corp. He told the board it is important to consider the
contamination from normal operation in addition to accidents. He said
the report says the chemicals on site will be kept to a minimum which
would mean frequent transport of the chemicals onto the site. He also
questioned the type of air modeling that was conducted. He stated, in
his opinion, the Apex report is an incomplete assessment of the human
health risks.
When questioned by Wilhelm, Mason agreed the lights and noise are now
gone, but repeatedly stated that from June until October she was unable
to sleep.
James Lim voiced concern for the health of his family, stating the
effects of the drilling process are not fully known. A doctor for UPMC,
he said he is concerned for the health of his family, his neighbors and
his patients. "I'm obligated to do everything in my power to minimize
the health risks to my patients, and my family. The possible air, water,
noise and contamination effects are not fully known by Apex. And the
risks outweigh the benefits."
In closing, he asked the board, "Can we trust you to keep us safe?"
***Another Gas Plant Proposed on the Yough
Invenergy has proposed a new 450-550 megawatt
natural gas-fired power plant, called Allegheny Energy Center, along the
Yough in Elizabeth Township, Allegheny County. Community members are
formally objecting to the issuance of variances for this site.
***Wilkins Twp, Fracking Limited To Manufacturing District
"Wilkins Commissioners unanimously approved an ordinance that limits oil and gas drilling to the manufacturing zoning district in the township.
The ordinance calls for 1,500 foot setbacks from protected structures
like homes and schools and. Additionally, the ordinance states that applicants
must complete a traffic study, submit a water withdrawal plan and
emergency response plan as well as an air quality study among other
Sylvia Martinelli, council president, said, “Wilkins Township is now a safer place to live,' she added."
***Wilmingham Twp-Conflict of Interest? “ Township supervisors, against tremendous opposition, approved the Kingery Oil and Gas Ordinance,
aptly named since Planning Commissioner Fred Kingery has stated
publicly on numerous occasions that he wrote the industry friendly oil
and gas ordinance.
On January 19th, attorneys filed a Procedural Validity Challenge against the township for the December 21, 2015 meeting.
As a strategy, a Procedural Validity Challenge may only buy time since
the same ordinance, or a similar revision, will no doubt be brought back
for a vote in the coming months, but next time our township officials
will be sure to follow the proper procedures. We believe the rush to
approve the industry friendly oil and gas ordinance is to allow for
construction to begin before new regulations are implemented, because
industry is often only required to adhere to regulations that are in
place when construction commences. Several pending court cases could
have significant impact on zoning rights in Pennsylvania. Our attorneys estimate expenses for our challenge to range from $5,000-10,000.
During the December 21, 2015 meeting, landman Wayne Gill presented a petition in support of the Kingery ordinance on behalf of 61 township landowners.
Later during the meeting, an Amish man reported that he knew that at
least two Amish who signed did not understand what the petition was
about. I spoke with those landowners about the petition; apparently
Wayne Gill told them that the November 2014 ordinance did not allow
landowners to fully utilize their properties as they saw fit and could lead to other ordinances that would prevent farmers from spreading manure on their land.
By preying on their fears, Wayne coerced Amish landowners into signing
the Kingery petition. I was told previously by my Amish neighbors that Fred Kingery first approached them with the petition, just three days after the October 28, 2015 meeting. Most would agree that
it is a conflict of interest for Planning Commissioner, Fred Kingergy,
to circulate a petition in favor of an ordinance he wrote and could potentially benefit from,
there is no doubt that landman Wayne Gill would directly benefit as he
holds a working royalty interest in any leases he helped sign here; the
more drilling that is permitted within the township, the greater his
financial gain.
In response to their petition, we have created our own petition and
have begun circulating it throughout the township. For nearly two
years, concerned township residents have presented information and
encouraged township officials to take the necessary steps to protect the
rights of all residents and landowners, by increasing setbacks so that
the industrial process of unconventional gas drilling would not
adversely impact those who were not in favor of this development.
Recently, some residents have pushed for a compromise between the
November 2014 and the recently approved Kingery ordinance. However, if
we are to come anywhere near the restrictions and requirements of the
November 2014 ordinance, I feel that we must raise the bar higher by
suggesting that the industrial process of unconventional gas drilling
only be permitted in industrial zones. This request does not "ban" drilling from our township (due
to the limited size of the current industrial zones within the
township), but insists that landowners who favor this development should
be required to follow the established procedure for having their land
rezoned as industrial.
Carrie Hahn
***DuBois Fights Waste Injection Well-Letter to Editor, excerpt
push continues to threaten and contaminate our "residential"
neighborhood ... Thousands of tanker trucks loaded with toxic,
contaminated and some times radioactive waste will be hauled onto
Highland Street to a proposed injection well. Their cargo is not
"residual waste" as labeled, but far more toxic. (Halliburton loophole).
Loss of air quality through benzene laced diesel fumes, toxic off
gassing from frack waste tanks and the threat to many families fresh
water resources from casing failures and well failures, accidents and
spill's all face the residents of this area. Property value and quality
of life are also going to be issues that will need to be addressed.” Randall R. Baird
Other Fracking News
***DEP-Discrepancy in Water Contamination Records
44% Complaint Record
“Thousands of
complaints about drinking water have been discovered coming from
communities near fracking. This casts doubt that on the claims by the
EPA that fracking isn’t causing widespread damage to drinking water. DEP has received 2,309 water complaints from 17 of 40 counties where fracking took place.
Of those, 1,275 can now be viewed by the public, thanks to the
investigations of Public Herald. The sheer number of complaints casts a
shadow over EPA’s claims, since Pennsylvania’s official tally of water
degradation is only 271 for all 40 fracking counties in the state.
In Pennsylvania, the reason for this discrepancy comes down to a singular issue: mismanaged record-keeping and reporting by the DEP.
means that for about every two fracking well pads, one homeowner called
in a water complaint, instead of one for every seven wells drilled.
That’s a 44 % fracking water complaint rate suggesting that water well
issues are pervasive. Even if the water complaints are compared to
the number of wells drilled in these 17 counties, it’s a 17 % water
complaint rate.
Not only
is the sky-high complaint rate concerning, but why did the DEP dismiss
and not report more than 1,000 water well complaints? Did 1,000+
homeowners call in bogus water well claims?"
Pennsylvania, water degradation is defined as when a private water well
located within 2,500 feet of a fracking well has been negatively
impacted within six months of drilling.” https://www.rt.com/usa/331334-fracking-pennsylvania-worse-thought/
***Racetrack Owner Questions Affect of Fracking on Horses
Gural, filed an appeal questioning the results of water supply tests
conducted by DEP for an equestrian facility he owns in Bradford County
after the agency said it was not affected by fracking.
The Gurals said they notified the DEP of potential problems with their water in May, after noticing that a high percentage of the foals born at the facility over the past several years were experiencing health problems. They said the issue started shortly after a fracking operation commenced on an adjacent property.
The Gurals point to a well operated by a subsidiary of Chesapeake as a
possible cause, and said the DEP may have missed something when it found
their water was not contaminated by Chesapeake.”
***France-- Solar Road Will Provide Power to 5 Million People
French government plans to pave 621 miles of its roads with solar
panels in the next five years, which will supply power to millions of
“The maximum effect of the program, if successful, could be to furnish 5
million people with electricity, or about 8% of the French population,”
Ségolène Royal, France’s minister of ecology and energy, said.
The solar roads concept isn’t new. SolaRoad, the world’s first “solar
road,” has been in operation in the Netherlands since November 2014, but
it’s already generating more power than expected. Minister Royal said installation of the panels will begin this spring and proposes to pay for them by raising taxes on fossil fuels.”
***DEP Updates Rules “PAs
Environmental Quality Board EQB, approved major revisions to strengthen
oil and gas regs. At a heated meeting, critics of the rules called
elements of the package illegal or unnecessary.
The DEP defended the revisions and advised the board against adopting
16 amendments that would have changed the regulations’ meaning. The EQB
eventually voted 15-4 to adopt the rules as DEP proposed them.
The updates to the rules focus on adding protections for public resources that might be disrupted by drilling, ensuring that new wells don’t intersect with abandoned ones, setting
stricter standards for waste handling and cleanup, and requiring that
damaged drinking water supplies are restored to a safe quality or better.” http://www.post-gazette.com/powersource/policy-powersource/2016/02/03/Pennsylvania-board-approves-major-revisions-to-drilling-rules-DEP-Marcellus-Shale-conventional/stories/201602030207
** Wolf Calls on DEP To Reduce Methane- “Gov.
Tom Wolf called on the DEP to cut down on the unnecessary release of
the potent greenhouse gas from gas well sites, compressor stations, and
Regulators are first tackling emissions from new gas well sites and
compressor stations. Regulations for existing oil/ gas facilities, and
suggestions for leak detection and control along pipelines will take
longer to implement.
DEP said it is considering an array of new standards for well pads, among them: quarterly
leak inspections with infrared cameras and monthly walk-though
screenings; cleaner diesel engines on drilling rigs; quicker repairs
once leaks are discovered; 95 percent control of emissions of associated
pollutants from storage tanks; and reduced bleed-off from pumps.
Department officials said they are considering similar controls for gas compression and processing sites— quicker leak repair, no-bleed or low-bleed controllers, no more venting during cleaning and maintenance.
The new standards will be set out in general permits, which establish a
baseline of behavior. Instead of applying for an individual permit for
every new site it builds, a company agrees to comply with all of the
terms of a general permit that have been set in advance for a whole
class of similar sites. http://powersource.post-gazette.com/powersource/policy-powersource/2016/02/16/Environmental-regulators-tackle-methane-leaks-at-oil-and-gas-well-sites-Pennsylvania/stories/201602120218
***Iowa Now Leads the Wind Power Generation
Iowa wind power generates 32 % of state’s electricity, leading the nation.
The American Wind Energy Association says more than 31% of the state’s electricity came from wind turbines last year.
South Dakota was at 25.5% and Kansas at 23.9 %.
Gov. Terry Branstad says Iowa has the potential to jump above 40% in the next five years.
***Gas Wells Can Continue to Leak Methane Even When Plugged
is the main component of natural gas. It’s also a potent greenhouse gas
that’s potentially explosive when it accumulates in confined spaces. In
Pennsylvania and California, Jackson and his colleagues have tested
abandoned wells, both plugged and unplugged, for methane leaks. The
results are surprising; in most cases, the wells were leaking extremely
small quantities of methane, but a few wells were leaking several orders
of magnitude more. It wasn’t just the unplugged wells. Some of those ‘super emitters’ had been plugged.
Even those super leaky wells, from what we know, are emitting far less
than, for example, the massive leak in southern California, but they do
add up. In Pennsylvania, one of Jackson’s colleagues estimated that
abandoned wells account for 4 to 7% of the state’s total man-made
methane emissionsfile://localhost/.”
***EPA VS FERC On Pipelines
regard to exporting liquefied natural gas (LNG) and building interstate
gas pipelines, EPA is calling for the consideration of climate change
and the full life-cycle emissions associated with using gas.
EPA and FERC have a simmering disagreement over whether gas projects
should be required to look at the upstream production impacts and
downstream end-use effects associated with building infrastructure for the fuel. EPA
officials have urged FERC to consider not just the direct environmental
effects of newly constructed facilities but also any indirect effects
from new drilling activities to supply them and from the ultimate use of
the fuel.
doing so, EPA has sided with a growing number of environmental activists
calling for such expanded reviews, some of whom have staged protests at
project hearings and at FERC's headquarters in Washington, D.C.” http://www.eenews.net/energywire/2016/02/04/stories/1060031773
***What If It’s Overpiped?
“It’s a
concept rarely, if ever discussed in the Marcellus and Utica Shales
region, but was heard uttered by no fewer than two speakers at the
Marcellus-Utica Midstream Conference. “What
if the Marcellus/Utica region is overpiped?” asked Mark Eisenhower,
vice president of Strategic Planning and Development for midstreamer
Aspire Energy of Ohio. “I’m not saying it is, but it’s something that
must be considered.” “Producers scaling back will mean excess pipeline
capacity, and excess pipeline capacity will reduce the basis
differential and thus reduce/eliminate the value of new pipeline
projects,” www.kallanishenergy.com/2016/02/01/marcellus-utica-could-soon-be-overpiped/
***Pipeline Eminent Domain Protest by Michael Bagdes-Canning
Co. “I don't usually feel optimistic about our fights with the
industry but this fight is unique, powerful, and has already had some
stunning successes. What makes this unique? This goes way beyond the
usual arguments - health of the planet, the community, nearby residents,
protecting water and air. It's all of those things but it's also a
fight for property rights. These brave people fighting this pipeline
going through their land didn't sign papers to give Williams access. The
right-of-way was taken through eminent domain and these families
haven't even been compensated. Further, this pipeline is going right
through their sugar bush (a stand of maple trees used for making maple
syrup). They were making syrup when I was there. The pipeline will
destroy trees these people depend on for income. Even more devastating -
Williams hasn't gotten the necessary permitting to finish this project
(Governor Cuomo in New York must approve the Constitution Pipeline for
this to even make sense and he has not done so yet.). If they don't even
know if they can complete the project WHY THE HELL DO THEY HAVE TO DO
***Tenaska- Another source of pollution to come to Westmoreland County
Jan’s Letter ( I am printing my letter for the
benefit of those who are unaware of the issues involved with the
proposed plant.) Tenaska just received DEP approval of the air quality
plan. See: Tenaska gets DEP approval on revised air-quality plan for South Huntingdon power plant http://triblive.com/news/westmoreland/9985550-74/plant-tenaska-power
Attn: of Alexander Sandy
Department of Environmental Protection
Tenaska Plan Approval. PA-65-00990E
January 31, 2016
Tenaska Plant, proposed to be built in South Huntingdon Township,
Westmoreland County, and will annually emit several million pounds of
serious pollutants including CO, VOC, NOx, PM-2.5, PM-10, formaldehyde
and 6 billion pounds of CO2.
areas of Westmoreland County are already listed as EPA non-attainment
areas for ozone and particulate matter 2.5, so the county does not have
the capacity to handle additional emissions that will contribute to the
burden of ozone in the area as well as health impacts. Westmoreland
County has received a grade of D for ozone pollution and D for small
particulate pollution from American Lung Association. The rate of asthma
is very high and the plant's emissions will aggravate existing lung
conditions, more asthma patients may be diagnosed, and children with
developing lungs and seniors with respiratory disorders will be
disproportionately at risk.
to the American Lung Association, every county in the Pittsburgh region
except for Westmoreland County had fewer bad air days for ozone and
daily particle pollution compared with the previous report. Westmoreland
County was the only county to score a failing grade for particulate
Westmoreland County and the Laurel Highlands region
regularly experience periods of air inversion where pollutants become
trapped. This air inversion puts southwest Pennsylvanians at risk of
ground level ozone exposure in addition to the many toxins emitted by
the plant.
Westmoreland County has a higher incidence of disease
than other counties in United States. And the pollution doesn’t stop at
the South Huntingdon Township border; it will travel to the surrounding
townships and counties.
request that the DEP observe the law and protect our health by
considering renewable energy as opposed to an energy source that will
add to the pollution of Westmoreland County.
25 PA
Code 127.505(5) “… an analysis shall be conducted of alternative sites,
sizes, production processes and environmental control techniques for the
proposed facility, which demonstrates that the benefits of the proposed
facility significantly outweigh the environmental and social costs
imposed within this Commonwealth as a result of its location,
construction and modification.”
“Alternative Production Processes: Production processes to be
considered include renewable energy technologies (e.g., solar, biomass,
and wind power) and fossil fuels.”
Jan and Jack Milburn
114 Mountain Road
Ligonier, PA 15658
***Lawrence County--If Gas Operations Are Sited On Agriculturally Zoned Property in Lawrence County, You Pay Industrial Taxes
*** Recently Release Violation List From DEP
Violations from Skytruth:
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Morris Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) - Failure
to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial wastes
and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Morris Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) - Failure
to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial wastes
and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Cross Creek Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) -
Failure to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial
wastes and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Smith Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) - Failure to
fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial wastes and
remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for production
within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Smith Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) - Failure to
fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial wastes and
remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for production
within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Hopewell Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) - Failure
to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial wastes
and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Smith Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) - Failure to
fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial wastes and
remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for production
within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Jefferson Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) -
Failure to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial
wastes and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Smith Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) - Failure to
fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial wastes and
remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for production
within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Cross Creek Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) -
Failure to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial
wastes and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Robinson Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) - Failure
to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial wastes
and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in West Finley Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) -
Failure to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial
wastes and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Independence Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) -
Failure to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial
wastes and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Findlay Twp, Allegheny county. OGA 3216(C) - Failure
to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial wastes
and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Morris Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) - Failure
to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial wastes
and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Independence Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) -
Failure to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial
wastes and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Smith Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) - Failure to
fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial wastes and
remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for production
within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Jefferson Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) -
Failure to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial
wastes and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Buffalo Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) - Failure
to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial wastes
and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Independence Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) -
Failure to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial
wastes and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Smith Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) - Failure to
fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial wastes and
remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for production
within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Cross Creek Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) -
Failure to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial
wastes and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Mount Pleasant Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) -
Failure to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial
wastes and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Cross Creek Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) -
Failure to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial
wastes and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Morris Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) - Failure
to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial wastes
and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Independence Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) -
Failure to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial
wastes and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Independence Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) -
Failure to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial
wastes and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Smith Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) - Failure to
fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial wastes and
remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for production
within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Hopewell Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) - Failure
to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial wastes
and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Cross Creek Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) -
Failure to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial
wastes and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Cross Creek Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) -
Failure to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial
wastes and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Chartiers Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) -
Failure to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial
wastes and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Donegal Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) - Failure
to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial wastes
and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Independence Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) -
Failure to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial
wastes and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Frazer Twp, Allegheny county. OGA 3216(C) - Failure to
fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial wastes and
remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for production
within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Hanover Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) - Failure
to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial wastes
and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Cross Creek Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) -
Failure to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial
wastes and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Cross Creek Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) -
Failure to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial
wastes and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Hanover Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) - Failure
to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial wastes
and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Buffalo Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) - Failure
to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial wastes
and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Donegal Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) - Failure
to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial wastes
and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Independence Twp, Washington county. OGA 3216(C) -
Failure to fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial
wastes and remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for
production within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Fawn Twp, Allegheny county. OGA 3216(C) - Failure to
fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial wastes and
remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for production
within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-19 to Range Resources
Appalachia Llc in Frazer Twp, Allegheny county. OGA 3216(C) - Failure to
fill all pits used to contain produced fluids or industrial wastes and
remove unnecessary drilling supplies/equipment not needed for production
within 9 months from completion of drilling of well.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
Health & Safety violation issued on 2016-02-18 to Hilcorp Energy Co
in Pulaski Twp, Lawrence county. OGA 3220(A) - Failure to plug the well
upon abandoning it.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
PA Permit Violation Issued to Timberline Energy Inc in Porter Twp, Clarion County
Environmental Health
& Safety violation issued on 2016-02-17 to Timberline Energy Inc in
Porter Twp, Clarion county. 78.86 - CASING AND CEMENTING - DEFECTIVE
CASING OR CEMENTING - Operator failed to report defect in a well that
has defective, insufficient or improperly cemented casing to the
Department within 24 hours of discovery. Operator failed to correct
defect or failed to submit a plan to correct the defect for approval by
the Department within 30 days.
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling
For more information contact Jan Milburn westcg@gmail.com
Officers: President-Jan Milburn
Treasurer and Thomas Merton Liason-Lou Pochet
Science Advisor-Dr Cynthia Walter
To receive our news updates, please email jan at westmcg@gmail.com
To remove your name from our list please put “remove name from list’ in the subject line
Westmoreland Marcellus Citizen’s Group—Mission Statement
WMCG is a project of the Thomas Merton Society
raise the public’s general awareness and understanding of the impacts
of Marcellus drilling on the natural environment, health, and long-term
economies of local communities.