To read the entire updated report by Cynthia Walter titled "Air Pollution from Shale Gas Industry Compressor Stations" copy and paste the link below into your browser. Part of the article is copied below without formatting, charts or illustrations.
Air Pollution from Shale Gas Industry Compressor Stations: Updated Report for Pennsylvania
Air Pollution from Shale Gas Industry Compressor Stations: Updated Report for Pennsylvania
Cynthia Walter, Ph.D. 2/28/2020
Executive Summary Compressor Stations (CS) in the gas industry are permanent and significant sources of serious air pollutants known to harm humans. CS transport gases from wells to major pipelines and within pipelines. CS are also the location for additional equipment that emit toxins. In the last 20 years, CS abundance and sizes have dramatically increased in shale gas extraction areas across the US. This report will focus on CS in and near Southwestern Pennsylvania. Numbers there have risen more than 10-fold in the last decade in response to well completions and pipelines after the local fracking boom began in 2005. For example, Westmoreland County, PA, had two CS before 2005 and now with about 300 active shale gas wells, has 50 CS. In Pennsylvania. CS are allowed 750 ft. from homes, schools and businesses and emission monitoring relevant to public health exposure is limited or absent.
Current PA policies allow rapid CS expansion. Also, regulations do not address public health risks due to several major flaws. First, permits allow annual totals of emitted toxins using models assuming constant releases, but substantial emissions from CS occur in bursts that expose citizens to concentrations likely to impair health, ranging from asthma to cancer. Second, permits do not address the fact that CS simultaneously release many serious air toxins including benzene and formaldehyde, particulates that carry toxins into lungs and large amounts of lung irritants. This allowance of multiple toxin release does not reflect the well-established science that public health risks multiply when people are exposed to several toxins at once. Third, permit reviews rarely consider nearby known air pollution sources contributing to aggregate air toxin exposures that can occur in bursts and continually. Fourth, permits do not require operators to provide public access to real-time reports of air pollutants released by CS.
The annual cost of air pollution from CS was estimated at $4 million-$24 million in PA as one component of the shale gas industry in its early stages in 2011. As CS and gas infrastructures expand, air pollution and costs increase, especially in shale gas areas. These costs must be compared with benefits of using alternative energy sources. In a neighboring state, New York, shifting to renewable energy will save $33 billion annually in air pollution costs, prevent 4000 premature deaths each year, and trigger substantial job creation, based on peer-reviewed research using US government data.
Recommendations: 1. Constant air monitoring must occur at current compressor stations and nearby sites important to the public, such as schools. The peak concentrations and totals for substances relevant to public health must be recorded and made available to the public in real time. 2. Air pollution from compressor stations must become an important part of measuring and modeling pollution exposures from all components of the shale gas industry. 3. Permits for new compressor stations must be revised to better protect the publi in ways including, but not limited to the following: a) Location, e.g., increased general set-back limits and expanded limits for sensitive sites such as schools, senior homes and hospitals b) Emissions, especially limits for peak concentrations and annual totals c) Monitoring air quality within the station, at the fence-line and in key sites nearby, such as schools, using information from air movement models to select locations and heights. d) Limit CS size based on aggregate pollution from other local air pollution sources. 4. Costs of harm from CS and other shale gas activities must be compared to alternatives.
Author Information: Retired professor of biology. Contact:
Table of Contents
Chemistry of Compressor Station Emissions Health Impacts of Substances Released by Compressor Stations Regional Air Pollution and Cancer Risk Measurements of Compressor Station Emissions Compressor Abundance in Pennsylvania Costs of Harm from Compressor Stations
Chemistry of Compressor Station Emissions CS emissions contribute major air pollutants to totals from unconventional gas development (UCGD), but their role in regional air quality problems has not always been noted. In 2009, when UCGD operations were only a few years in this region and many CS had not yet been built, CS emissions were estimated to be a small component. Now, in 2020, gas transport requirements have increased, many more and larger CS are in place and these sources of emissions have greatly increased, based on estimates by Carnegie Mellon University atmospheric researcher, Robinson (Fig. 1). Also, looking forward, CS will remain a major pollution source because they run constantly in contrast to machinery for well development and trucking that fluctuate with the market for new wells.
Fig. 1. Relative contribution of compressor stations and other components of shale gas industry to NOx and
Fig. 1. Relative contribution of compressor stations and other components of shale gas industry to NOx and
Chemistry of Compressor Station Emissions
CS emissions contribute major air pollutants to totals from unconventional gas development (UCGD),
but their role in regional air quality problems has not always been noted. In 2009, when UCGD
operations were only a few years in this region and many CS had not yet been built, CS emissions
were estimated to be a small component. Now, in 2020, gas transport requirements have increased,
many more and larger CS are in place and these sources of emissions have greatly increased, based
on estimates by Carnegie Mellon University atmospheric researcher, Robinson (Fig. 1). Also, looking
forward, CS will remain a major pollution source because they run constantly in contrast to machinery
for well development and trucking that fluctuate with the market for new wells.
Fig. 1. Relative contribution of compressor stations and other components of shale gas industry to NOx
and VOC. Source: Clean Air Council- adapted from webinar by Alan Robinson cited in figure.
Air pollutants in CS emissions vary substantially in chemistry and concentrations during days and
weeks due to shifts in operations (Table 1). Emissions in CS can come from several types of sources
described below.
1) Engines: Compression engines powered with methane release NOx, CO, VOCs and HAP.
Diesel engines release those pollutants as well as SO2 and substantial particulate matter. In
addition, diesel storage on site is a hazard. Electric engines would produce less pollutants, but
they are much less common than fossil fuel engines in SWPA. Depending on demands for gas
movement, compressor engines can be partially or fully shut down, or the source of the fuel can
be changed.
2) Blow-downs: Toxic emissions dramatically increase during blow-downs, a procedure that is
scheduled or used as needed to release the build-up of gases. Blow-down frequency and
emitted chemicals vary with the rate of gas transport and the chemistry of transported gases.
The full extent of emissions from any CS, therefore, is not known. Blow-downs can release a
wide range of substances, and when flaring is used to burn off gases, the combustion creates
new substances and additional particulates. Blow-downs are the most likely source of peaks in
emissions at continuously operated CS. Brown et al. (2015) used PA DEP measures of a CS in
Washington Co., PA, likely blowdown frequencies and weather models to predict peak emission
frequency. They estimated nearby residents would experience over 118 peak emissions per
3) Non-compression Procedures: CS facilities are often the location for equipment that
separates gases, removes water and other fluids, and run pipeline testing operations called
pigging. These activities can be constant or intermittent and release a wide range of substances
which may or may not be included in estimates for a permit. In addition, some of the processing
releases gases which are flared at the facility, thus releasing a range of combustion by-products
and small particles. For example, the Shamrock CS operated by Dominion Transfer Inc.
includes equipment for dehydration, glycol processing and pigging. The Janus facility operated
by EQT includes dehydration and flaring. Emissions for those facilities are listed in Table 1.
4) Storage Tank Emissions: CS often include storage tanks that hold substances known to
release fumes. For example, the Shamrock CS was permitted to have an above ground storage
tank of 3000 gallons for drip gas and a 1000-gallon tank for used oil, both of which release
volatile organic compounds. The EQT Janus CS has two 8,820-gallon tanks. Gas releases from
such tanks could be controlled and recorded or fugitive and never noted in operator reports.
5) Fugitive emissions: Gases easily leak from many components in CS facilities; such problems
Zill incUeaVe aV eTXiSmenW ageV. A VWXd\ of CS VWaWionV in Te[aV iV an e[amSle. ³In Whe FoUW
Worth, TX area, researchers evaluated compressor station emissions from eight sites, focusing
in part on fugitive emissions. A total of 2,126 fugitive emission points were identified in the four
month field study of 8 compressor stations: 192 of the emission points were valves; 644 were
connectors (including flanges, threaded unions, tees, plugs, caps and open-ended lines where
the plug or cap was missing); and 1,290 were classified as Other Equipment. The Other
category consists of all remaining components such as tank thief hatches, pneumatic valve
controllers, instrumentation, regulators, gauges, and vents. 1,330 emission points were detected
with an IR camera (i.e. high-level emissions) and 796 emission points were detected by Method
21 screening (i.e. low-level emissions). Pneumatic Valve Controllers were the most frequent
emiVVion VoXUceV encoXnWeUed aW Zell SadV and comSUeVVoU VWaWionV.´
Eastern Research Group (2011).
Table 1. Examples of air pollutants allowed for release by compressor stations. Air pollutants
(pounds/year) are estimates provided by the companies for permits in West Virginia and Pennsylvania
in recent years. Total compressor engine horsepower (hp) is noted.
Chemistry of Compressor Station Emissions
CS emissions contribute major air pollutants to totals from unconventional gas development (UCGD),
but their role in regional air quality problems has not always been noted. In 2009, when UCGD
operations were only a few years in this region and many CS had not yet been built, CS emissions
were estimated to be a small component. Now, in 2020, gas transport requirements have increased,
many more and larger CS are in place and these sources of emissions have greatly increased, based
on estimates by Carnegie Mellon University atmospheric researcher, Robinson (Fig. 1). Also, looking
forward, CS will remain a major pollution source because they run constantly in contrast to machinery
for well development and trucking that fluctuate with the market for new wells.
Fig. 1. Relative contribution of compressor stations and other components of shale gas industry to NOx
and VOC. Source: Clean Air Council- adapted from webinar by Alan Robinson cited in figure.
Air pollutants in CS emissions vary substantially in chemistry and concentrations during days and
weeks due to shifts in operations (Table 1). Emissions in CS can come from several types of sources
described below.
1) Engines: Compression engines powered with methane release NOx, CO, VOCs and HAP.
Diesel engines release those pollutants as well as SO2 and substantial particulate matter. In
addition, diesel storage on site is a hazard. Electric engines would produce less pollutants, but
they are much less common than fossil fuel engines in SWPA. Depending on demands for gas
movement, compressor engines can be partially or fully shut down, or the source of the fuel can
be changed.
2) Blow-downs: Toxic emissions dramatically increase during blow-downs, a procedure that is
scheduled or used as needed to release the build-up of gases. Blow-down frequency and
emitted chemicals vary with the rate of gas transport and the chemistry of transported gases.
The full extent of emissions from any CS, therefore, is not known. Blow-downs can release a
wide range of substances, and when flaring is used to burn off gases, the combustion creates
new substances and additional particulates. Blow-downs are the most likely source of peaks in
emissions at continuously operated CS. Brown et al. (2015) used PA DEP measures of a CS in
Washington Co., PA, likely blowdown frequencies and weather models to predict peak emission
frequency. They estimated nearby residents would experience over 118 peak emissions per
3) Non-compression Procedures: CS facilities are often the location for equipment that
separates gases, removes water and other fluids, and run pipeline testing operations called
pigging. These activities can be constant or intermittent and release a wide range of substances
which may or may not be included in estimates for a permit. In addition, some of the processing
releases gases which are flared at the facility, thus releasing a range of combustion by-products
and small particles. For example, the Shamrock CS operated by Dominion Transfer Inc.
includes equipment for dehydration, glycol processing and pigging. The Janus facility operated
by EQT includes dehydration and flaring. Emissions for those facilities are listed in Table 1.
4) Storage Tank Emissions: CS often include storage tanks that hold substances known to
release fumes. For example, the Shamrock CS was permitted to have an above ground storage
tank of 3000 gallons for drip gas and a 1000-gallon tank for used oil, both of which release
volatile organic compounds. The EQT Janus CS has two 8,820-gallon tanks. Gas releases from
such tanks could be controlled and recorded or fugitive and never noted in operator reports.
5) Fugitive emissions: Gases easily leak from many components in CS facilities; such problems
Zill incUeaVe aV eTXiSmenW ageV. A VWXd\ of CS VWaWionV in Te[aV iV an e[amSle. ³In Whe FoUW
Worth, TX area, researchers evaluated compressor station emissions from eight sites, focusing
in part on fugitive emissions. A total of 2,126 fugitive emission points were identified in the four
month field study of 8 compressor stations: 192 of the emission points were valves; 644 were
connectors (including flanges, threaded unions, tees, plugs, caps and open-ended lines where
the plug or cap was missing); and 1,290 were classified as Other Equipment. The Other
category consists of all remaining components such as tank thief hatches, pneumatic valve
controllers, instrumentation, regulators, gauges, and vents. 1,330 emission points were detected
with an IR camera (i.e. high-level emissions) and 796 emission points were detected by Method
21 screening (i.e. low-level emissions). Pneumatic Valve Controllers were the most frequent
emiVVion VoXUceV encoXnWeUed aW Zell SadV and comSUeVVoU VWaWionV.´
Eastern Research Group (2011).
Table 1. Examples of air pollutants allowed for release by compressor stations. Air pollutants
(pounds/year) are estimates provided by the companies for permits in West Virginia and Pennsylvania
in recent years. Total compressor engine horsepower (hp) is noted.
Pollutant Term Janus (WV)
22,000 hp
4390 hp
4140 bhp
Buffalo **
(PA) 20,000
hp + 5,000
NOx 254,400 248,000 170,000 155,800
30,000 66,000 77,000
CO 118,200 80,000 154,00,0 144,400
SO2 1,400 400 10,000 5,400
Air Pollutants
HAP 48,200 19,400 30,000
Formaldehyde 1,080 12,800 12,200
Benzene 540
Ethylbenzene 60
Toluene 140
Xylene 200
Hexane 500
Acetaldehyde 600
Acrolein 160
Matter (<10
PM 18,200 11,000 32,000 PM-10
631,600 372,680 417,400 444,600
CO2-e 29,298,000 27,200,000 367,000,000 214,514,000
Sources for table:
x Janus and Tonkin CS Permits at WV DEP website.
x Shamrock CS permit:
x Buffalo CS, Washington, Co PA - PENNSYLVANIA BULLETIN, VOL. 45, NO. 16 APRIL 18,